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Both dragons stood in the centre of the cave, unable to move.

The frozen faces of the Icewings stared at them ominously.

"Hurricane, we NEED to go!" Star shouted
Now genuinely worried.

Daniel was about to turn tail and run but out of nowhere there was a shout from deep inside the cave.

"Hey! Is someone there?" It was a hard female voice.
Talonsteps began to rush towards them.

"Move! Quickly!" Daniel called to Star in a hushed voice.

"Where!?" She returned in the same hushed tone.

"Anywhere just go!"

Star and Daniel ran back through the tunnels and winding caverns.
They had no idea where they were going or what to do.
'We really screwed ourselves on this one..' Daniel thought

The talons behind them grew louder as the sound of scratching claws on ice and their own reflections chased them though the caves.

Turn after turn the scraping claws didn't let up.
It was genuinely terrifying as eventually Daniel and Star reached a dead end.

"Oh shit..." Star said,

"That's not good" Daniel responded just as worriedly.

"Now what?" Star frantically looked ever her shoulder to where the noise of claws was only getting louder.

Daniel soon however spotted a small ledge the that they would be able to hide on.

He grabbed Stars talon without warning and leaped up to the ledge above.

"Hey! WHA-"

"Shhh!" Daniel said as he pressed a talon on top of Star's snout to muffle her shout.

She looked at him with perplexed eyes but soon she understood and nodded.
Daniel took his talon off her snout as the dragon chasing them finally came into view.

"Hello? Is someone here? You know you're not supposed to be!"

Daniel and Star shrunk back towards the back of the ledge only barely visible to the female Icewing.

The Icewing looked around at the walls, she appeared deep in thought.
Daniel and Star peaked their heads out to get a proper look at their chaser.

She seemed to be about a little under Daniels height and had a very faint scar across her cheek.
However they didn't get much time to study her further as she soon looked up to them.

They immediately ducked down into cover again, praying that they hadn't been spotted.

Daniel could hear his own heartbeat as a sense silence settled over the cavern.
He was about to peek out again to check the scene however the sound of another pair of talons echoed into the vicinity.

"Hey! Wait up!" It was another female voice this time.
"You can't just run off like that without saying anything!"
The other dragon gasped for a little air before she continued.
"What were you chasing anyways?"

"I thought I heard something." the first voice explained with no detail at all.

"Really..?" The other dragon said sarcastically. "Like what? Some random person running around?"

There was another moment of silence before the same voice added.
"Scavenger, I mean scavenger"

"Oh right.. I forgot you called those low-life creatures differently"

"They're not Low-Life's! They're smarter then they look!"

"Yeah sure... Whatever you say Penguin"

'That must be her name...' Daniel thought.
' Interesting.. I didn't think they had penguins in Phyrria. Although I could very well be wrong'

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