Supply RUN

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"Alright so let me get this straight right this minute" Turtle said as he touched down on the grass below him.
"So basically, we know roughly know where the two last shard are except one of them is in some ancient long lost city which could be moons knows where and the other isn't even on Phyrria and instead is located in the most dangerous place on Pantala and probably the world?"

Willow sighed. "That appears to be the case" 

Turtle gave her a grim look. "You know things really aren't looking that good for us... and why are we even in the Rainforest!? we know it's not here!" Turtle cried as he looked around at the surrounding environment. 

After what felt like a gruelling eternity of flying and travelling with few breaks every now and then, they all finally reached the Rainforest as the sun began to set. 
Though it was no surprise that everyone was dead tired and had sore wings which would mean no more flying. 

"We're here because that's where the relic is pointing to for the most part" Daniel chimed in from up ahead. 
"Besides, we need a place to camp out for the night don't you think?"

"Oh and where would that be?! We're in the middle of the RAINFOREST!" Winter pointed out. 

"Hey It's better than the desert! and we survived just fine out there so I don't see the problem" Kinkajou said which shut Winter up who gave a small annoyed grumble as a result. 

Star sighed deeply. "Well look at it this way, we won't be under the scorching heat of the desert" She said optimistically. 

"That still doesn't give us any reason to be here..." Turtle groaned "I'm with Winter on this one, if we know the shard's not here then WHY are WE HERE?"

Turtle and Winter were in a bad mood, Qibli was stuck trying to cheer them up, Peril however was happier then ever.

"Wow... I haven't been in the Rainforest before..." She said as she admired the surrounding plant life.

"Wait, you haven't? Why not?" Kinkajou asked with confusion.

Peril gave her a dull look before she grabbed hold of some grass before she activated the firescales in her talon.

The grass immediately went up in Flames and soon became ash.
"That's why."

"Oh..." Kinkajou replied. "Yeah honestly that makes sense, but at least now you can see it!"  

Peril nodded with a smile. "Yeah, and it was worth the wait" She said gleefully, continuing to admire the beauty of the place she was never allowed to go to.

Daniel and Willow were up ahead walking side by side. 
Willow seemed lost in thought as she held a talon out to one of the nearby trees and Daniel realised what was going on. 
"So... do you feel any better?"

Willow turned around with an odd look. "What?" 

Daniel shrugged, "Part of the reason I decided to bring everyone here was because you seemed stressed, I thought some time in the forest would maybe ease your mind a little?" He admitted. 

Willow paused for a moment before she gave him a grateful smile. 
"Yeah... it has helped quite a bit actually, thanks for that."

Daniel returned the smile, "No problem, though in all seriousness we really should get a move on and try to find a place to rest up" He said. 

Willow nodded. "Right, I can probably make us a somewhat comfortable area to rest up if we need it" 

"Yeah, I think that would be good, I'll go hunt us some food since everyone else seems tired" 
He said before turning towards the rest of the group. 
"Alright, I think we'll do well to camp out here for some time, I'm going to go hunt us some food in the meanwhile" 

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