"Fancy Seeing You Here"

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Daniel looked at both Sundew and Blue's bewildered faces as he laughed.
"What's wrong? Weren't expecting to see me now were you?" He said with another smile.

Sundew shook her head profusely for a moment in order to regain her senses.
"Wait what?! Why are you here? HOW are you here?!" She asked.

"I could ask you both the same question" Daniel responded slyly, avoiding the question.
"Aren't you both supposed to be at school?" he asked.

"Uhhh, Well yes- But-" Blue said before adding, "But we have our reasons!"

"Such as..?" Daniel asked with a mischievous smile.

Blue struggled to come up with an excuse so he just gave out a sigh of defeat as he looked downwards slightly.
Daniel let out a chuckle as he turned to Sundew, expecting some sort of answer though he had a slight feeling he already knew it.

"You guys are the ones with Turtles armband? Aren't you?"
Daniel asked, taking a calculated shot in the dark.

Sundew and Blue's eyes widened which indicated to Daniel that his shot hit the mark.
Daniel let out a sigh of relief, "Oh Thank the Moons! That's a relief!" he said as he sat down on the ground happily.

Sundew shot him a puzzled look. "Wait, How did you know? And why aren't you surprised? Or worried even?!"

Daniel looked at Sundew casually. "Well first off it's kind of obvious that someone probably has the armband if Turtle lost it in Jade Mountain" He explained before adding, "On top of that, it could have been worse, I mean, what if it was the queens who got a hold of it?" He pointed out. "So yes, I'm relieved"

Sundew didn't have much of a comment, neither did Blue so for a few moments there wasn't any word between the three dragons.

Upon noticing this Daniel took the initiative to ask a question of his own.
"So where are the others?"

Blue raised a brow. "Huh?"

"Where are the others?" Daniel repeated. "I mean I'm assuming that it's not just you two out here, I could be wrong though"

"Oh! They're introducing themselves to the Silkwing assembly or something like that" Blue explained.

Daniel let out a mix of a sigh and laugh.
"Oh! They're going to be there for a LONG while then!" he said, leaning on the wall of the hut.

Inside it was quite nice, to say the least.
The leafy roof although thick, still allowed for light to seep through, illuminating the inside of the hut and giving it a warm welcoming vibe.
The walls of the hut were constructed from thick sturdy wood logs decorated with soft moss grown in a pattern.

'Probably done with the use of Leafspeak' Daniel thought as he looked around a little more.
The ground was simply grass and dirt which in all honesty made sense since they were in a forest and it wouldn't make sense to build a proper floor.
There were multiple piles of neatly organised soft leaves which served as beds.

From that moment it didn't take Daniel long to realise Cricket was lying unconscious on one of the makeshift beds.
His eyes widened as he laid eyes on her body.

At first glance, it looked like Cricket was simply sound asleep, but after a little time of looking closely, Daniel realised that she was covered in multiple nasty bruises and quite a few cuts, one of which went right across her chest.

"Three Moons!" Daniel said for the first time.
He quickly pushed past Blue and Sundew as he knelt next to Cricket's somewhat badly conditioned body.
"What happened to her?!"
Daniel looked at Blue and Sundew with a worried look, expecting an answer.

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