Unforeseen Consequences

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"Okay so let me get this straight real quick" Daniel said.
"This guy is your brother. And not some palace guard that will will turn us into the Queen"
Winter nodded, "Yes that's correct, Right Hailstorm?"
He looked to his brother who was eyeing Daniel intently.

"Are you sure we can trust him Winter? I mean... He's a Skywing after all"
Hailstorm said acting like Daniel couldn't hear him though he was only a few steps away.

"Look Hailstorm, I'm sorry for jumping you. I just thought you were attacking or going to turn us in so I tackled you."
Daniel said apologetically.
"If I had known who you were I wouldn't of"

Hailstorm wasn't buying it.
"Words can be deceiving, you would know best considering who your queen was"

"I have no queen" Daniel interjected and this caught Winter and Hailstorm attention.
"I live by my own rules"

He shot them a smile but the only thing they returned was shock.
"What do you mean you don't have a queen? Doesn't every tribe have one?" Hailstorm asked.

"Yeah, what about Queen Ruby? The current queen of the Skywings" Winter continued.

"HA!" Daniel laughed, "I don't care I don't see myself as part of her tribe so she can do what she likes."

"What if she commanded you to do something? Even if you're not part of her tribe in your eyes you would surely do what she said.. Right?" Winter asked.

"If it's within reason, sure." Daniel responded.

"What's considered 'Within reason?" Hailstorm said.

"Like a small favour, holy can you guys not understand what in saying or do I have to put it bluntly for you to understand?"

The others looked a him questionably.
Daniel placed a talon to his face.
"If she give me a command that requires more then a small movement or a verbal answer I'd tell her to shove it. Does that clear shit up for you?"

Winters and Hailstorms eyes went wide and Daniel guessed they couldn't imagine talking back to their queen like that.
'But she's not my queen... None of them are... So I'm not obliged to follow anything they say, I'll do it on my own terms'

"But she's your queen?!" Winter said to which Daniel responded once again.
"Not my Queen, I don't have one"

"What about other Queens? How would you treat them?" Hailstorm asked, Daniel noticed the look on his face when he asked him.
'He must be thinking on what I'd be like towards their own queen..'

Daniel stayed silent before he answered.
"I'd treat them like anyone else, I'll say hello, goodbye, and so on but don't expect me to bow and do all that respective rubbish"

Winter and Hailstorm looked shocked beyond belief and that's When Star walked next to them.
Now she was also intrigued, "But you must have some sort of leader or someone you look up to, right?"

Daniels face fell, "I did... Once upon a time I did... but they're dead now... So I'm on my own, I make my own rules"
The memory of his parents flashed through his mind.
He sighed, "Forget it, they're not important anymore, let's just get a move on already"

"Winter, are you sure your brother won't turn us in? Because it's pretty clear he's not fond of me"
Daniel looked at Hailstorm who was still just standing there... menacingly...

"Why are you even here Hailstorm? I thought only lower ranked individuals were supposed to work these jobs?" Daniel suddenly asked.

"You know about the circles?" Hailstorm replied, slightly surprised.
"He knows a lot of shit, like A LOT" Winter answered for him to which Daniel nodded.

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