Secrets and a Lost Friend

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Daniel slowly raised his head to look at his friends.

"Hey dude... You alright?" Qibli asked. He looked a lot better from the last time Daniel has seen him. He wasn't shivering anymore and seemed more confident.

'I guess he's back to normal' Daniel thought happily and relieved.

He looked around at his surroundings. It appeared to him that he was back inside the cave. Dark rocky walls greeted wherever he looked, except for the right, which was the exit to the desert.

The rest of the Jade Winglet stared at him with worried faces. Moon was standing back a bit, watching from a distance. As was Peril... For obvious reasons.

Winter was towards the left side of the cavern. He was staring at a wall trying to make the others believe he wasn't looking but Daniel spotted him taking occasional glances at him.

Turtle was nowhere to be seen however so he turned his attention to Kinkajou and Qibli who were staring intently as they tried to talk to him.

"Ummm, Hello? Hurricane... You there?" Kinkajou asked

Daniel however, ignored them. Not offering to even speak. This was for two reasons:

1. He was still trying to gain his Barings at what had just happened to him...

2. He had more important matters to think of... Like those cryptic whispers and...

'my sister...' Daniel thought... Remembering what he had seen. He didn't know if it was real, but soon his eyes shot open as he got up quickly.

"Hey!... Hey... You okay?" Qibli said, a little startled at his sudden movements.
Winter had also turned to stare at him. Intrigued by what was happening.

Daniel didn't say anything. He was too busy Putting puzzle pieces together, in the jigsaw board of his own mind.

'The book...' Daniel pictured the scene. He took his eyes away from his sister for a split second... And then... She was gone... Nothing but a glowing book left on the ground. It made no sense...

'How would she disappear Unless... She didn't. Unless she was taken somewhere else... Like I was. And if that;s the case...

Daniel was snapped out of his daze and bolted for the cave entrance. His mind was racing too fast to make rational choices.

"Woah! Slow down!" Kinkajou yelled.
"You're not fit for fly yet!"
Daniel ignored her, he flapped his wings and leaped off Into the sky taking a sly glance at his friends as he whipped past. He managed to spot the expression on Moons face as he left.

Her eyes were wide open. But not in a state of shock... It was more as a state of realisation.. Like she had just cracked the code to something.

Daniel didn't give it a thought. He needed to find his sister.
'Don't worry Charlotte... I'll find you.'

- - - - - 15 Minutes later - - - - -

The cave disappeared into the distance as he kept flying. Nothing but sandy dunes were in sight.

The sun was coming up again Daniel noticed, a warm bright light could be seen infront of him. That was a good sign, he was going the right way.

Soon his stomach began to grumble... He just realised how hungry he actually was.

'Damn... When was the last time I ate?' Daniel thought... He didn't eat at Jade mountain or the when he was travelling with the Jade Winglet. And he didn't eat at Barrens house either... Meaning that he hadn't eaten at all ever since he entered Phyrria.

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