Chilly Colours

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Charlotte landed on the soft blades of grass which swayed in the cold morning breeze.
The rest of the group were all still asleep which meant she finally had a little bit of alone time.
After meeting Hailstorm the night before, the group decided to fly towards where the enchanted armband was pointing to.
Though after a while of them flying it was getting late and a lot of them were struggling to stay awake, herself included, therefore they decided to sleep in an empty field for the night.

It wasn't the most cosy or warm she had to admit, but it was soft and there was a very low chance anyone would even see them, let alone bother them as they were indeed in the middle of nowhere.
The clouds floated across the sky above Charlotte as she took in a deep sigh.

Reaching into her bag she pulled out the scroll that Tamarin had acquired when Daniel fell during the fight in the prey centre, it was how she came to know who Daniel really was in this strange realm.
'Unfortunately he just happened to be the most wanted criminal in all the land...' She thought with some annoyance.

She always did find Daniel annoying, though after he disappeared she realised how empty everything felt... It wasn't a happy feeling, and overtime she started regretting her actions towards him.
Especially since the last thing she ever said to him was an insult, it didn't make things any better.

It got so lonely in fact that she found herself eventually reading through all the Wings of Fire books, a series that she never liked since it was about dragons and fantasy, though it was the last thing that reminded her of him so she gave it a try.

Everything else was a blur to remember as she soon found herself inside a strange world... A world she soon came to realise was Phyrria.

She remembered what had happened from afterwards as she sat down on the grass, looking back at everything she'd been through.

She'd been reincarnated as a dragon apparently or something along the lines of it. Unfortunately for her she woke up in possibly the worst place in all of Phyrria... The Ice kingdom.

With freezing temperatures she wasn't used to, it was a surprise she'd even made it this far without freezing to death.
If it wasn't for the fact that she'd become an Icewing, then she most likely would of.

However the problems didn't stop there as being a totally new creature came with it's difficulties. For instance learning how to run on four legs and fly were a game changer and she felt like she was restarting life all over again.

It wasn't all bad though as that's when she met Kori, and she remembered it very vividly....

She was stranded in the middle of the snowy forest, pretty far from any populated area in general so it was quite a surprise when she spotted another dragon.

For a good few moment neither of them said anything and only stared at one another awkwardly.
That was until Kori broke the silence.

"So... What are you doing this far out from the kingdom?" Kori asked sceptically.

"I could ask you the same thing" Charlotte answered which earned her a soft annoyed glare.

"Well if you MUST know, I like taking walks along the outskirts, helps clear my mind... Though that doesn't explain why you're here."
Kori explained.

Charlotte sighed. "I'm uh... Lost" She awkwardly admitted.

Kori raised a brow. "You're lost..? Oh.. Well if you go up the mountain behind you it's an easy fly back to the kingdom" She directed a claw somewhere behind Charlotte.

She turned around to see where she was pointing to and immediately saw it.
Up in the distance was a semi-tall, round snowy mountain.
However Charlotte realise that she said it was an easy 'fly' back to the kingdom... So there was a slight issue since she had no idea how.

Transported: A Wings of Fire storyWhere stories live. Discover now