Daring Decision

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Charlotte and the rest of the group huddled around the Armband in confusion. 
They had just reached the edge of the Rainforest when the armband leading them to the Heathens had unexpectedly turned around in and was now facing west

None of them could make sense of it, it was as if they'd somehow managed to get behind them in the blink of an eye.

Charlotte sighed, "Well... That's Interesting..."

Sundew glared at the armband as if she was somehow trying to Intimidate it even though it didn't have a conscious.
"Someone please explain to me... HOW!? IN THE MOONS ABOVE!? DID THEY GET BEHIND US!?" She bellowed.

Ostrich, Hailstorm and Kori didn't have an answer for her since Sundew's glare at the armband had ended up intimidating them instead.

Cricket, Blue, Luna, and Swordtail also didn't say much, not because they were scared but more so because they also had no idea.

Charlotte took a step back from the armband to think about things, in doing so she ended up seeing Anemone leaning against a nearby tree, a somewhat knowing expression in her face which perked Charlotte's interest. 

Charlotte walked over to the pink and blue Seawing who didn't notice her until she was practically directly in her face. 
Anemone looked up to be immediately met with Charlottes -very up close- face which made her jump. 

"Gah!" Anemone cried out, startled by Charlotte before eventually stumbling backwards.
She did manage to regain her balance and stop herself from falling over though.

Charlotte let out a small smirk of amusement.
"Hello to you too," she said.

Anemone gathered herself before giving Charlotte a puzzled look.
"Moons! Where did you come from?"

Charlotte only laughed slightly at this though in the end decided to ignore Anemone's question.
What's been on your mind?" She asked in a rather out-of-the-blue manner.

Anemone raised a brow. "Huh? What do you mean? What's going on?" She replied, though her confusion was somewhat forced as a small layer of worry could be seen behind her eyes.

"What I mean is that you've been thinking of something deeply, I can tell" Charlotte explained.
"And I got a good feeling that you know something about this"
She gestured to the large group of gathered dragons behind them who were all discussing what was going on with the armband.

Anemone didn't deny Charlotte's claim, though she didn't admit to it either.
Instead, she just gave her a more worried look which matched the one she was hiding beforehand.

A few moments passed before Anemone eventually spoke after Charlotte kept staring at her, expecting some sort of answer.
"Alright! Alright..!" She said before continuing in a lower tone. "I may have a theory on what's going on..." 

"Spill it" Charlotte demanded quickly though Anemone stalled her.

"I-I'll do it later, besides, it would be better if I just told everyone at once, right?"
She said before looking away from Charlotte.
"Just... Leave me alone for a few minutes... I'll be over soon..."

Anemone's words were soft and sad, almost in a sort of regretful tone which gave Charlotte the idea that there was more to the story than just what Anemone was letting out.

Looking back at the group which had somehow managed to calm Sundew down. Charlotte decided that they would be fine if she was to stall for a little while and see what was up with Anemone.

Charlotte sat down in front of Anemone which caught the Seawing by surprise slightly.

"What are you doing?" Anemone asked.

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