One Spicy School Day

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Daniel and Turtle walked through the hall to their first class of the day. Daniel took this time to look around at the interior of the school.

Since the school was carved into a mountain there were lots of natural features. The cave top was littered with stalactites of different sizes. Many of them appeared to be glittered with little specs of colors. He saw greens, pinks, reds, some darker purples, and a few whites as well. 'Are those jade fragments?' Daniel thought. He knew that they came in different colors so maybe it was for this reason that Jade Mountain named Jade Mountain to begin with. Besides the colorful jade's on the rooftop he saw multiple artworks throughout the hallway. The paintings were quite crisp and impressive to say the least. 'Did students paint them? If so then they have some real talent' Daniel thought. As they continued to walk Daniel realised he really didn't know that much about his way around the school. 'maybe I should ask Turtle some questions'

"Hey Turtle, could you tell me some things about the school? Like anything I should know?"

"Well not much to be honest" Turtle said "although for some reason they changed things up this year regarding the winglets."

"Well first, we don't have a Mudwing in our Winglet because Umber decided to not come back for this year and stay with Sora in the mud kingdom after what happened with the whole Icicle episode." Turtle said "Initially we weren't going to have a Skywing either, until you came along at least"

"I see... Did anything else change?"

"Mmhmm" Turtle confirmed "Last year you would study with multiple winglets however, now you just study with your own winglet."

"How come? wouldn't it be better to learn with more dragons? You'd have a better chance of making friends"

"Yeah, the DoD decided it would be better if dragons first got to know their clawmates well beforehand before putting them with other students." Turtle explained "they also said it would probably be easier to work on assignments together since you're all in the same winglet.

"Well they do have a point there" Daniel agreed "though I can't say it's the smartest decision considering they would have to have more classes running at the same time to teach all the students."

"Not really" Turtle replied "Now every winglet has a separate schedule regarding classes and lunch. So while one winglet has break, the others are in class. It's a bit weird but they're just experimenting with it at this point."

"But what if a someone has a friend who they want to hang out with in another winglet? Then what?"

"Then they just hang out after classes end for the day." Turtle said "and speaking of classes, here we are."

They stopped in front of a cave packed with scrolls that went up to the cave roof. 'There's got to be more scrolls in here then I've seen in my whole life... Then again. You don't see many scrolls on Earth so that's not too surprising' Daniel thought. He looked around. There were 3 wooden desks inside the cave. One of them sat in the centre surrounded by seven stools facing the front of the room while the other two desks were towards the back of the room which could each seat four dragons. So a total of fifteen dragons could be seated in the cave. however due the changes Turtle mentioned there would only be 6 dragons total for the lesson

Daniel spotted the rest of the Jade Winglet sitting around the centre table. Moon and Kinkajou sat on the right hand side while Winter and Qibli sat on the left. There was an empty seat on Qibli's Left hand side which left two spots open in the middle. Daniel took a seat next to Winter while Turtle took a seat Next to Kinkajou and Moon.

"Prepare yourself Hurricane..." Winter said with un-enthusiasm.

"For what?" Daniel asked a little worried at his words

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