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It was late into the night at this time, the sparkling stars were scattered across the clear night sky. The glow of the three moons which all happened to be crescent shaped though in different angles from one another.

At this point most dragons would be indoors thanks to the recent curfew however the residents of Possibility had other things on their minds and as such many of them weren't inside their homes at all.

Instead most of the dragons were outside in the food courtyard, horrified at the events which had happened earlier that day.
And with some luck that one could argue was good or bad, Anemone, the Pantalan dragons, along with Tamarin, Ostrich, Kori and of course, Charlotte.

They touched down in the town about ten minutes ago though it didn't take them long to find the scene where the brutality took place, and it most certainly didn't take them long to be completely horrified.

Even though Tamarin was blind she could still heavily smell the fresh blood from the three bodies and it freaked her out.
Cricket, along with Luna, Swordtail, and Blue were all disgusted by the bloodshed and weren't able to look at it for long.
Ostrich was a mixed bag, it wasn't like she hadn't been exposed to death before as she used to be a member of the Outclaws, however the Scene was definitely on the more gruesome side of things and so she felt very uneasy looking at it.

Sundew and Anemone were the strongest of the bunch but even they were a little disturbed by the bloodshed in front of them.
Even though Sundew was already used to it due to her participation in the war in Pantala and Anemone experienced it first hand just a few days ago... They were still both disturbed.

This was because the body on the floor didn't even look like a dragon anymore... one could make out the torn out wings of the individual though that was about it.
Luckily by now most of the body had been cleaned up by some strong stomached volunteers but the horrid stench still lingered in the air.

However at that point everyone had already seen the aftermath of the scene and it was no surprise that a lot of the dragons had run off to go throw up somewhere else.
As Sundew and Anemone watched the last of the dragons clean up and carry away the last mauled remains of all three of the dragons.

Anemone shuddered as she looked at the ground where the incident had taken place.
Red and blue blood painted the surface of the ground, causing a murky purple to form where the two liquids met.

"I can't believe they would do something like this..." Cricket said as she walked up to them, finally mustering up some of the courage to view the scene even though it was just puddles of blood.
"No wonder everyone is so afraid of them..."

Sundew sighed deeply.
"All the more reason for us to find them sooner rather than later"
She looked around at the few dragons left in the vicinity.
Apart from their group there were about three other dragons.

A Seawing and a Mudwing who were part of the volunteers willing to clean up the mess, and a Rainwing who was still running a stall despite the late night hour.

The Seawing and Mudwing were both talking to one another as they positioned themselves against one of the nearby buildings.
They both had blood stained claws from moving the remains and were now watching over the scene, making sure nothing else happened.

The Rainwing on the other hand had refused to leave her stall ever since the incident, claiming it was her safe space and nobody seemed to blame her even though logically she would be much safer inside an actual home.
Nonetheless she didn't budge and so with nothing better to do she stayed open and sold her fruit popsicles late into the night.

Cricket was in fact enjoying one herself as she stood beside them before looking at Anemone who was noticeably upset.
"Are you alright Anemone?" She asked, pushing her glasses up for a moment awaiting the Seawings' answer.

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