The Truth Hits Hard

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The wind was surprisingly warm despite them flying into the land of snow and Ice.
Daniel and Star both flew next to an annoyed Winter who was rudely awoken from his nap about twenty minutes ago.

"So let me get This straight" Winter spoke, he let a small yawn out of his system before continuing.

"You guys went out while we were all sleeping and brought back what appears to be a compass but is actually not a compass it's actually a tracker for some 'Scrolls of chaos' which apparently could be the reason for why Pyrrhia will start to burn in the Prophecy"
He stopped and took a deep breath.
"Wow that was a mouthful"

Daniel stared at his friend for a moment before answering.
"Yeah that's about it, so now we're following wherever this thing takes us."
He gestured to the relic in his talon.

Winter took a closer look at it, it was an interesting little relic.
It appeared to be a normal compass with the centre of it rotating around like normal.
So it definitely did tell direction, or at least it used to.
Now the north arrow would point towards wherever the supposed 'scrolls of chaos' were.

"So this thing points to where we need to go?" Winter asked.

"Yep," Star interjected, trying to get into the conversation.
"Although it's taking us really close to the Ice kingdom"
They all looked into the snowy wasteland as the great ice wall finally approached.

"Alright guys... I guess we're going in" Daniel said.

"Woah Woah Woah, just wait a minute! I'm not helping you break into the Ice kingdom?!"
Winter yelled suddenly, he stopped flying and looked to Daniel.
"It's against Ice Wing law to help people break in"

"Winter you know we have to go where it says we need to" Star said but Winter retorted in response.

"Yeah well, I didn't think it would lead us here. Plus nothing you can say to change my mind.

Daniel simply sighed, "Well if Phyrria burns there wont be a law, in fact there wont be anything at all because we'll all be dead. So if that's what you want then be my guest. Me and Star will just break in without you then"

Winter looked at him with deadly eyes but Daniel stayed calm showering he was going into the ice kingdom whether Winter liked it or not.

There was a tense stare off between Daniel and winter before he eventually gave in.
"UUURAAGHHH FINE!" Winter yelled, "But I'm only doing this so Phyrria isn't demolished, okay." A small puff of frost came out of his snout as he finished up his sentence.

"Works for me, now lead the way friend"
Daniel laughed to which Winter rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

Together they flew into the far distance beyond.
Winter took the lead as Daniel and Star followed in suit.

It took a while Daniel had to admit as while the wind flowed over his scales like a school of fish he found himself thinking about his whole situation.

'So we just need to discover this scroll of chaos... And it will hopefully help us figure this whole prophecy shit out. I also need to find a way out of Phyrria..'
He looked to Winter and Star flying close to him.
Star looked over and shot him a happy smile to which he returned.
'But I'm not sure if I should tell them... At least not yet.'

He turned his attention to the Great ice wall which stood a near five minute flight away.
Honestly sand didn't know if he was ready to go back to those freezing temperatures.

'But if Phyrria's fate rests on our shoulders... It's not like I have much of a choice but to go back anyways.'

Daniel continued to be deep in thought as he pondered over the possible outcomes of this Mission... Each ending getting worse and worse as they came and went.

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