And So There Were Ten

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"So explain this one more time?" Moon asked Daniel who sighed of reluctance and annoyance.

"Basically, Crimson here" He gestured to Flame who was tagging along behind them, still admiring his weapon.

"He's our inside agent who gives us information on the Queens, yes I know it's dirty play but you got to do what you got to do to keep yourself ahead"

Moon nodded. "I see... So when exactly were you going to tell us?"

Daniel looked forward, they were once again travelling the desert, this time a little further than last time to Thorn's Stronghold.

"Honestly I wasn't planning to... Since Flame seemed so distant I thought it may of been safer for both of you to not know... but plans have changed I guess.."

Moon gave him a semi hurt look as he came clean though she didn't say anything on it.
"So what's the plan exactly..? And isn't the Eye of Onyx with Queen Thorn?"

Daniel shook his head as he looked back to Qibli, he wasn't in a good mood ever since he announced what they were going after.
Despite being part of the team he was still loyal to Thorn, so stealing something of great significance like the eye didn't sit well with him.

Although, knowing the great power that the Gatekeeper held, deep down he knew he had to go though with it, even if it was against his morals.

Though even if he was joining them it was clear he wasn't happy about it.
Moon looked back and made a face as Daniel matched it, silently communicating that something needed to be done.

Moon sighed as she called out to Qibli.
"Hey! Scorch!"

Qibli looked up to Moon as she gestured for him to come over with a sideways nod from her head.
He was reluctant but soon flew over after a few more convincing looks from Moon.

"What is it?" he grumbled as he came to a stop between Moon and Daniel.
The Nightwing made a face, "Look... We know you're upset about this..."

Qibli growled, "Well of course I am! I've been loyal to Thorn for years! Just because I'm part of the heathens doesn't mean I've lost my loyalty..."

He looked back towards the rest of the group, Flame was near the back talking to Turtle.
It was clear that he was extremely shocked at who they were and since Turtle had one of the higher bounties Daniel assumed he was speaking to him for that reason.

Willow was flying besides Kinkajou, she seemed extremely worried and clearly upset.
This was probably from what happened in the back office... Especially since she was close with Cricket, Hazel, and of course Sundew who were all victims of the paranormal activity they witnessed.

It seemed Kinkajou was doing a good job at keeping her mind off of it, though Daniel doubted it would last forever.
'I'll talk to her later... For now I should deal with Qibli'

He turned back to Qibli who was still in a grumpy mood.
"Hey... I know I'm not going to be able to change your mind about your loyalty... But you do realise what would happen if we don't do this..."

"Yeah, you said we'd get put back in the void" Qibli answered as he looked to Daniel but he shook his head.

"Yes.. But he also might have done something to the Queens, you saw what happened in the cave, we all did."

The Sandwings eyes widened a little before he went back to a neutral face as he looked forward, breaking eye contact with Daniel.
Though this didn't stop him from continuing to talk.

"If the Gatekeeper has them in his talons, then unless we do what he says I can say for certain we won't be seeing them again... Ever." Daniel stated in a more serious tone.

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