Private Flights

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The sun had begun to rise above the horizon as a fresh cool breeze blew by.
Daniel had been up before first dawn so when Qibli awoke early as usual it was quite a surprise for him to see he wasn't the first one up.

"Oh hey, sleep well Qibli?" Daniel asked 

"Oh, Yeah it was nice, surprisingly warm for some reason despite us being in an area with snow" Qibli said as he stretched out his wings and flexed his talons.

"Oh, you have Peril to thank for that" Daniel explained, "She warmed up and melted the ground around you guys before we headed off to sleep"
Daniel looked over to the hot sleeping Skywing who was resting peacefully. 

"You'll do well to thank her later for not letting you guys catch frostbite" Daniel said
Qibli nodded in response.

"Soooo, why are you up so early? Usually I'm the first one up" Qibli asked.

"Oh, I don't know really, just thought I would watch the sunrise" Daniel said, although that wasn't true at all.

The reality was that Daniel barely slept at all. Every time he tried he would have some horrid nightmare.

He didn't know exactly what it was but all he saw was... Fire... Smoke... The dying screams of others... And what scared him most of all...

Red blood on his own claws...

So in the end he just stayed awake. Waiting until the sunrise.
He didn't want to admit it but he was truly terrified of meeting the voice again, the entity who would of killed him if it wasn't for Turtle.

'The gatekeeper...' Daniel shivered, A cryptic name for a cryptic entity...'

He needed to get his mind off things.
Daniel stood up off the ground and stretched his wings.

"I'm going to head out for a quick fly, I'll be back" Daniel said to Qibli who seemed to be daydreaming.

'Well he was at least, until I woke him up that is'
Daniel laughed to himself.
He turned around to take off but suddenly Qibli blurted something out to him.

"H-hey! Hurricane" Qibli started.
Daniel turned around.


There was a very noticeable red blush forming on Qiblis snout but Daniel pretended to not see it as that would probably put Qibli off whatever he was about to say.

"C-c-can I come with you?" Qibli finished nervously. "I'll- I'll keep up!, I promise!"
It seemed that he was extremely desperate to fly with him.

'And that's concerning... Both for me and for him'  Daniel thought,

Qibli sat patiently, awaiting the Skywings response when Daniel finally said.

"Yeah sure, why not. It'll be more fun to have company anyways"
Daniel agreed, although based on Qibli change in facial expression he guessed that his Sandwing friend was going to say something to him on this flight.

'I need to be prepared for him to say literally anything...'  Daniel thought, slight worry was building up in his chest but he hid it by shooting Qibli a cheerful smile.

"Well what are we waiting for! Come on then!" Daniel laughed as he launched into the sky.
Qibli followed close behind as they soon flew above the clouds as the cold morning wind whipped past thier faces.

"Ahhh! Now isn't this what true freedom feels like!?" Daniel breathed in a fresh and crisp gust of air.
He let it full up his lungs before releasing it back into the world.

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