An Eventful Waste Of Time

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Everyone stood outside of the large sandstone made structure as the cool winds of the desert night whipped by.

"Alright here's the plan" Daniel started, wasting little time.
"We'll split into two groups, one of them will go gather the Eye while the rest of us keep a lookout to make sure everything goes smoothly"

He paused before looking around, "Python, Wolf, Crimson, Ghost. You're with me, we'll be keeping lookout and no it's not up for discussion." Daniel said as he urned to everyone else.

"Scorch, Subzero, Karma, Phoenix, Deadlock, you'll be going in to get the Eye, since Scorch knows the layout it should be pretty easy as long as you stay silent."

He stopped for a moment, "Is that clear? We don't want to spend more then an hour here maximum, so let's move!"

The others nodded without much hesitation as Qibli lead his group into the place first meanwhile Daniel took to the sky overhead.

The rest of his team followed as they landed on top of the structure.
It appeared that it there was a large open courtyard in the centre of the place from which one could fly down and enter the Stronghold without an issue.

By one of the back walls there was a semi large golden door which was guarded by two fierce looking Sandwings.

Each one was armed with a sharp and shiny spear which glinted under the dark glow of the moons above.

'Well at least Thorn was smart enough to leave some guards here to protect the place... Though I think she underestimated us...'
Daniel thought as he glanced around the rest of the area.

Apart from the two Sandwings besides the large door the rest of the courtyard and everything in sight was empty.

It was almost like the Stronghold was abandoned.
However it was then that Willow pointed something else out.

"Hey, look, down there!" she called in a hushed tone as her claw pointed to another door which had opened up.

Suddenly, about a dozen or more armed guards gathered in the courtyard, lead by two Sandwings and after studying them for a moment Daniel had a hunch on who they were.

"Guards!" One of them called as the dragons snapped to attention.
"Queen Thorn has ordered us to protect this Stronghold with our lives against anyone who might intrude."

The second dragon next to him spoke to the crowd.
"Exactly, and as her majesty's subordinates you are expected to defend everything this Stronghold has to offer. Are there any questions?"

There was a silence before a guard piped up.
"Commander Smolder, why would the Heathens want to attack the Stronghold? What is there to take?"

The larger dragons paused for a moment.
"In all honesty it is unclear what the Heathens motives are, that is being investigated as we speak... It appears they're not after treasure However they have attacked both the Ice and Sea palaces without warning so we must be on the lookout."

With that the dragon nodded affirmatively however it didn't stop the older dragon from speaking again.

"With that being said however, me and Six Claws here have organised a plan in case they do attack, all we have to do is-"

There was a loud crash which shook the building before he could finish.
Daniel stumbled backwards a little and tripped over Willows unseen tail.

This nearly sent him over the edge of the tall castle wall, luckily being caught by Moon last second who pulled him back to his feet. It wasn't if it would be much of a problem since he could fly, though he was grateful to not be free falling.

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