Breaking Through

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Loud shouts and screams of terror filled the vicinity.
Black cracks grew to enormous sizes as they eroded the crystal blue ice which lined the ground and walls around them.

"Okay so what's the plan here?" Winter asked, ignoring the chaos in suing around them.
Daniel responded quickly.
"If I can get to the great ice cliff I can use this to help me break through."
He gestured to the very unfitting ice blue tiara on his head and Star couldn't help but chuckle as he did so.

His face fell, " Ha.. Ha.. So funny" Daniel remarked sarcastically.
"Yes I know it looks stupid but I'll assure you that its power is not"

There was another shake in the earth which caused them all to topple over.
Daniels fist smashed into the ground as they did so. 
The earth ground shook violently as massive ravines emerged from where Daniels fist met the ice.

There was no time to do anything, the trio fell deep into the opening cracks as the world began to darken.

"OOHHHH FUUUUCK!" Daniel screamed.
The wind whipped past the back of his head as he looked up to the falling silhouettes of his friends.

Without thinking twice he flipped himself back up with his wings before boosting into the air.
Closing in he grabbed both of them by the talons as he shot up forward.

"HURRICANE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Winter screamed, he let go of Daniels talons as so did Star after she regained her bearings on what was happening.

"I CAN EXPLAIN" Daniel shouted back however he wouldn't have time as a massive boulder of ice came falling into the ravine, threatening to crush them.

Daniel shot forward and with a swoop of his wing he planned to knock it off course but instead, nearly obliterated it.
He looked back, surprised.
He'd expected the 'gift of strength' to just help him move the boulder out of the way, not fully destroy it.

'Well damn, I guess animus magic really does work doesn't it..."
The trio flew back to the surface to which it wasn't much better honestly.

The massive cracks that were caused from the scroll seemed to have stopped spreading, leaving a corrupted pattern imprinted on the ice.
However what did take it's place were the deep dark ravines that had been formed when Daniels fist hit the ground.

'Well... That's not good...'

As Winter and Star joined him he realised that he had a clear way to the Great Ice cliff.
With all the Icewings in shambles because of the destruction - which was partly his fault- he would be able to break through the wall with minimal issues.

"Alright, if we move now we'll be able to get to the wall while the guards are too busy with the destruction around them to deal with us" Daniel proposed.

"Okay, but what if they do notice us and start to chase us, then what? We don't have a backup plan do we?" Star asked.

"Well..." Daniel said as he made a face.
"No... No we don't" he sighed
"But either way we don't have time, we need to go while we have a chance"
Star shot him a reluctant expression which said 'This is a very bad idea'

He sighed, "okay yes, I know that we have little to no plan here but if you look around you'll realise we also have little to no time as well"
The earth shook again, causing more cracks underneath their talons.

More shouts of dragons echoed throughout the vicinity but this time there was something different.
A scream, one that was definitely familiar, rang in his ears.
Although all would be answered once he heard the voice.

"KORI!" Shouted one of the voices from below, te voice of Penguin, one of the Icewings who Daniel and Star nearly ran into inside the Diamond caves.

Daniel peeked over to see what horrors were happening.
Turnes out the cracks in the ground had sprouted small tentacles which wrapped themselves around the legs of dragons.

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