The Devil Within

978 20 49

Daniel stared back at the three hostile black tentacles in front of him.
He couldn't move, his four talons and his tail were all rooted to the smooth marble ground below.
It wasn't looking good at all.

'Shoot... What can I do in this situation' Daniel asked himself.
He faultlessly struggled against the tentacles to free himself but it was really no use.
He was trapped.

"ђคђคђคђค! ץ๏ย гєคɭɭץ Շђเภк ץ๏ย ςคภ єรςคקє ๓є..." The voice laughed from beyond the darkness. "๔๏ภ'Շ єשєภ Շгץ เՇ ๔คภเєɭ..." 

Daniel froze. At first he had thought that this could of all been just a bad dream, that maybe it was all in his head... but the voice knew his real name... and this simply proved that he was really in under his head at this point.

 Daniel stared back at the tentacles which were now almost centimetres way from his eyes and mouth.
"H-how do you know.." Daniel stuttered "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY NAME!"

The voice responded with the most chilling laugh Daniel had ever heard.

เ кภ๏ฬ คɭ๏Շ ค๒๏ยՇ ץ๏ย, ๔คภเєɭ ɭ๏гєภςє...
The voice spoke bluntly, however a small bit of sinister motives could be picked up behind the words.

Daniel was scared, very scared. However a part of him knew e couldn't let this dumbass voice get the better of him.
'C'mon Daniel, get yourself together!'

"Okay so what?" Daniel responded to the voice. "I'm not scared of you, if anything you're scared of me considering you haven't even shown yourself"

A tense silence settled over the area, during this time Daniel swore he could of heard the sound of water but he shrugged it off.

Hɱɱɱ, The voice groaned Yσυ'ɾҽ ԃҽϝιɳҽƚʅყ ɱσɾҽ αɳɳσყιɳɠ ƚԋҽ ყσυɾ Sαɳԃɯιɳɠ ϝɾιҽɳԃ, I'ʅʅ ɠιʋҽ ყσυ ƚԋαƚ.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Daniel shouted, slightly aggravated.

เՇ ๓єคภร ץ๏ยг คภภ๏ץเภﻮ ץ๏ย ɭเՇՇɭє קเєςє ๏Ŧ รђเՇ! The voice barked.

"So I'm annoying for stating the truth?" Daniel responded slyly. "I think you may have been dropped on your head when you were brought into this world."

คคคคгггђђђђ ןยรՇ รђยՇ Շђє Ŧยςк ยק!
The voice was deeply aggravated. Which honestly amused Daniel.

"You know it's rude to not introduce yourself, or did that information also leave your two- wait sorry, one braincell."
Daniel honestly didn't know what to do in this situation considering he was still stuck. So he thought he would try and make some entertainment for himself.

"If your really so powerful the why don't you show yourself, all I've seen from you this far are just some black tentacles staring at me for the past ten minutes" Daniel spoke. There was another gap of silence.

This time Daniel couldn't mistaken it. The sound of rushing water was echoing off from somewhere in the realm. 'Water? from where...'  A chill ran down Daniels spine. The thought of what happened last time were coming back to him. However he didn't have time to think as suddenly the voice spoke once again.

Y๏ย кภ๏ฬ... ๓คץ๒є เ รђ๏ยɭ๔... The voice said in agreement.
However the tone didn't sound annoyed or aggravated. I sounded... sinister...ץєคђ! เ รђ๏ยɭ๔... ץ๏ย ๔єรєгשє ฬђคՇ'ร ς๏๓เภﻮ!

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