An 'Interesting' Escape

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The trip of dragons ran through the narrow tunnel of the staircase and back up to the Queens bedroom.
Upon climbing out of the hole Daniel extinguished the torch and placed it back in its found place on the wall.

Once they were all out Winter pressed something towards the base of the bed and before Daniel knew it the bed was already back in its original position.
Like nothing ever happened.

"Alright, how do we get out of here" Star asked.

"We could try the same way we came in" Daniel offered but Winter shook his head as he looked outside at the late afternoon sun.

"No, at this time of day it would most likely be guarded, I've memorised the watch party patterns, we need another way out"

Just then a loud Woosh was ears by the side of the window.
"Get down!" Winter cried.

They all immediately fell to the bedroom floor just beneath the window as the shadows of larger dragons sneaked into the room.

"See I told you, there's nothing in the bedroom, now let's go we need to meet with the Queen" Said one of the voices. It was a deep male one and he had a rough sort of growl to the way he spoke.
"You know she's not like Glacier, she'll punish us for being late"

The other voice gave out the sort of disappointed sigh.
"Very well, I just thought I saw some movement inside, either way let's go, her majesty called all the guards Inside the castle for some reason"

Daniel, Star, and Winter stayed silent. Not daring to move a muscle incase by any chance they were spotted... Then all would truly go to hell.

Soon as Daniel heard the beating wings of the dragons move away from the window, he made a daring move.

Peaking his head over the base of the window he saw where the two Icewings were gliding off to.
The sun was still high up in the sky but would soon begin it's decent in probably less then a few hours time.

As Daniel squinted his eyes to ignore the sun's bright glare he spotted the Great Ice Cliff in the distance.
He ducked back down behind the cover of the icy window.

"Alright, well if the Queen is at the Great Ice cliff at the moment and she called almost all the guards then strictly speaking we should be able to walk through the palace with ease" Daniel said.

"Ehhh, I'm not so sure about that" Star interjected.
"Wouldn't there still be workers and other royal family members present"

"Well either way" Daniel got up off the floor and wandered over to the dark wood door.
"We need to get out of here and the more we wait around the sooner everyone is going to come back so I prefer to not waste anymore time discussing this thank you"

The others couldn't argue against his points, so they all rushed out of the door not bothering to make sure the coast was clear.

Luckily the there was nobody around except for them and the beady eyes of the Icewing portraits.
"Okay Winter, you know the layout of this place see if you can get us out of here" Daniel whispered.

Winter looked at him but didn't say anything, he took the lead and Daniel let him as he guided him and Star through the palace.

He took turn after turn down the surprisingly warm frozen corridors.
He continued further until he suddenly stopped.

"Yo, is something wrong?" Daniel asked.
Winter turned to meet him.
"Someone's around the corner" he concluded.

"Who? An Icewing?" Star asked to which Daniel and Winter both looked at her.

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