17. Siara

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"You can go to college and we'll leave after you come back baby" mom states mentioning the wedding again . We are leaving with family friends today in the evening and will stay at the oberois .

Papa is sitting on the dining table with his reading glasses on and his gaze fixed at a newspaper. He nods giving me a smile before I leave for college . That's all the strength I need. I'm strong , I know that . Shivay Raichand is my Father but I now feel lonely somehow . When I look at my left there is no Heer with me rating about how toxic her life has become after Reyansh and his friend started tormenting her . On my right side there is no Daksh ready to help me in every situation. Some days I even wish that everything could go back to as it was. I wish I just wake up from this dream and laugh our loud on the fact that how crazy this one was. But no , it's real. I hate to admit but it is.

When I reach at college, I dart my gaze to my left . The huge wall that is the only boundary between my college and Heer's high school . She's having her exams and soon she'll be on this side . I wonder if she's okay ? If she's studying well, if she cried last night after king hung up on her after hurting her, if she hid in her room for all day ? I can just wonder .

As I start to walk my face looses all colours upon seeing king . His smug face and an arrogant smirk plastered on his lips as usual .

"Missing someone ?" He tilts his head to the side . His black jacket registering his daunting presence makes me crawl back while his masculine scent makes the hair at the back of my neck stand up . He's Hella handsome but never has his presence made me feel anything other than fear . At the mall , I felt safe around him just for once , at the campus I'm afraid of him always . I just can't breathe in the air king stands and it's getting on my nerves that even after all of these people have wronged me , they are that arrogant . This stupid jerk even stays around to bully me whenever he wants. So he'll definitely get a piece of my mind today.

"I'm not answerable to you , king but still if you're that desperate I'll answer. No , I do not miss anyone . Not him , not her . You can go to hell as well" I hiss through my teeth .

"Hmm" his eyes turn dark, darker than usual. " You should be thankful he's not me , if I were daksh , I would have taught you how to behave Siara . I fucking hate girls with big mouths and long-ass tongues " he shoots his poisonous gaze my way. It feels like venom drips from his face.

I almost laugh at his statement because the girl his arrogant ass keeps following is the one with the biggest mouth of all . She's straight up walking talking feminism. He might scare her for a while but she my friend is a nuclear weapon .

"Is that why you keep chasing them around like you have nothing else to do" I give him a smile tilting my head to the side .

"is that so , king ?" Daksh walks near us . I don't fail to notice how he walks differently in front of me now . Now that I see his original walk , it's intimidating, overconfident and conquering. He struts like he owns every brick he steps on .
"Do you keep chasing my little rabbit "

"Just making sure she doesn't escape" arin smirks and walks away . Arrogance drips from the heels of his shoes like some dirty dark venom .

"Are you making him spy on me now you stalker"

"Tsk, he's frequently around by himself and nobody can make him do anything . Not even us . For you however I'll never make anyone else do anything when I myself am more than enough. "

That makes me sigh"Can you leave me alone for today, I'll have to stay around you for about a week now in the wedding . Let me breathe for half of this day daksh"
"I never stopped you from breathing ." He steps closer as if my words have irritated him "the only time I'll do so , you'll be having my lips on yours or I'll be choking the breath out of you by various means "

My cheeks heat up and the hair at the back of my neck stand straight as my mind gets filled with unwanted images .

"Your desperate attempt to make me hate you more and more with each passing second is really working and there will be a day when you'll no longer affect me Daksh Solanki " I sidestep him and get going .

"That won't change the fact you're mine "

"I am not" I state without turning back before he says something even more crude. Thankfully he doesn't follow me. I stroll through the halls and stop in front of my locker . A lot of people are whispering and are busy with their phones while there is a strange sense of secret code exchange among them . I open my locker and there is a pamphlet in there . A black colored paper with nothing written on it . On my way here I've seen it in people's hands but they try to hide it . I place it inside my notebook and head to my class. When I sit on my desk and take out the paper. I try to examine it well , and something happens. I get to see something written on it as sunlight falls on the paper. Three letter word L-I-E.

In very very small font I see a five word code on the very edge of the paper. I immideatly open the search engine on my phone but then I freeze . He'll get to know .

"Hey" I turn to the girl behind me " can I see your MacBook"

"Yeah sure" she slides it towards me and this is my chance . I look up for the LIE website online and there is a little article uploaded today 12am.

[You want power ? we give it to you .]

I look up for the portal under it which asks for my code .

A message starts to appear as soon as I enter my code.

[The unknown can be terrifying but sometimes it's just best to jump in the deep end .Only, If you can dare to......

320, Rosewood Arena
(30 December, 5 p.m. ]

I note it down on a paper , fold it and put it in my pocket safely.

I'm gonna find out what's behind this LIE criminal organization , those masks and you Daksh.

If this code is being circulated in the school under the table like drugs, it is obvious a lot of students are interested in joining LIE .

I'll be there too. Not to join but to remove that stupid mask from his ridiculously handsome but still ugly face .


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