44. Daksh

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I honestly hate doing this but if she wants I'll do my best to  convince Hitler. Not that I'll give up if he says no , that's not an option .

I force the brightest smile I can out of me "good morning uncle, morning aunt Shru "

She smiles for second but I can see how much she and Sia are anxious . This happens when a shit strict man rules the house .

"Why are you at my house" he grits his teeth. Anger visible on his features .

"To ask for your daughter's hand in marriage" my smile widens while Sia freezes looking at me with a shut up, what the fuck expression .

"Daksh , -- all of sudden . It's not like -- " Aunt Shru speaks up but he cuts her off.

"You know my answer"

I take a step forward "and you know my guts" I raise my brows with the smile on place "please uncle"

"Or what will you do " he almost growls "Kidnap my daughter again?"

I tilt my head placing a hand on the side of my neck "No , I'll try my best to convince you uncle Raichand "

"I said and I'll say it again I'll never -never ever - marry my daughter to you . Never Daksh Solanki"

I clench my fist to contain the rage in my nerves . This man is fucking annoying .

"I said and I'll say it again, Please uncle Raichand ."

He turns around to face her.  "Come here Sunshine"

Her face turns into a stone but I nod and she automatically strolls towards her father with shivering steps.

"Sign here " he picks a document from the table behind him . Some freaking admission form .

" pa-"


She picks a pen and puts her signature across the given space .

I gently take it from her hand and shred it to pieces. She's going nowhere and there is none who can send her away .

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW" he screams almost making me deaf .

"Give my girl and I'll never step here"

"I SWEAR SHRU , I swear I'll kill him"

"You can kill me uncle but I can't fucking live without her . Why don't you see it ? I'm requesting"

" and I said NO !!!"

I take out a gun from the waistband of my jeans . Sia flinches and Aunt Shru steps forward . I place it in front of him "then fucking kill me because I CAN'T FUCKING LIVE WITHOUT HER"

After a last glance at Sia's brimming eyes, I strut out of his house . I knew this man can't be convinced. He's an ass .

"I told you let me come along" uncle kiaan voices on the phone as I start my car .
"I hate him"

"No he's adorable" uncle chuckles making me laugh.

"He has an adorable daughter indeed"

"I and kavish can talk to him and don't worry Rey will not come"

I sigh "Okay,  can try that too"

"I think if we bring your mom and dimwit with us,  it will be better"

"Not aunt Ishani please. She'll get stressed because of this man"

"Uh, no . Shivay won't be like that in front of her . I'm sure"

"Urgh ! Why do we have to do this ." I let my head fall back.

"Because it is Love my boy , it will make you cry ,make you beg and make you kneel"

I'm fine with whatever I have to do but my family begging isn't something I can  take . Kidnapping still sounds better . After a little discussion with him I go to Reyansh . He's on his bed , half naked with his head under a pillow .

"What's wrong " I question king who is sitting on a chair nearby .

"No idea "

" Rey " I snatch the pillow.

"Fuck off " he almost kicks me.

"Did she breakup with you " I laugh seeing his pitiful condition.

"No ,she has gone " king utters looking at his phone.


Reyansh sits straight.  His hair are all messed up and I can't control my laughter seeing him like this for a girl .

"Fuck.off " he gets up and pushes my shoulder . Thank God reyansh is busy with his own problems and he'll not follow us there.

"I'm so happy " aunt Ishani chirps . Uncle kiaan is at the driving seat while I'm at back.  Following us is dad's car .

"You are always happy no matter what " he states and she argues "but this is special kiaan ."

"Dimwit we are in a difficult position, no need to be so happy . Your brother's son is not getting married right away "

" don't bring my brother in the middle of every argument "

"Why ? I might prove he's an even bigger Dimwit"

"KIAAN !!!!" She screams and he laughs . It's strange that I haven't got any text from Sia since morning . It's really strange.

We step down the cars and I freeze seeing so many police jeeps outside their home.  A few cars with red lights are also parked in the driveway. 

"What the actual fuck is going on " dad questions but uncle straight up heads inside.  There are a shit loads of police officials in their hall . Once Hitler sees uncle kiaan he rushes towards us.

"Sia is missing "

His words drop like a bomb at my heart "if this is because of you" he threatens me but uncle cuts him off.

"The CCTvs ? "

"There was a strange black car and he--" they walk away while dad dials a call walking along .

I tell mom to take aunt Ishani away from the claustrophobic place.

When I stroll towards my car , I get a call from an unknown number . Anxiety seeps into my veins .

"How are you Daksh "

"Joshua " I spit his name as rage builds at the back of my head .

"I have your pretty little bitch"

" SHUT the fuck up . Don't you dare lay a finger on her you dickhead " I growl . Sia's dad ,mine and uncle kiaan come and stand behind me .

"I'll wait fifteen minutes before I strip her naked and fuck the shit out of her . I'll bite her leaving marks on her pretty skin so that it will disgust you when you think of fucking her again " .

The back of my ears turns red and hot . The nerves in my brain begin throbbing and I see nothing but red .

"I , will fucking gut the intestine out of you . I swear on the love of my life" the line goes dead and my heart jumps to my throat .

I feel a sharp pain in my chest because my heart was traumatized at a young age .

You can't fucking fail me now

I tell my heart rubbing a hand on my chest . Hitler looks at me with raging eyes but I ignore him and get inside my car . Calling my men at LIE ,I ask them to track that rotten dick.


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