41. Daksh

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I take a long drag from the joint and place my foot on the table in front of him .

King kicks my foot and growls "your dad is angry"

"He'll be fine after sometime" I state but King rolls his eyes before snapping at me again .

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? You want Shivay Raichand to send her abroad ?"

"And how will he do that" I get up " she's here , she's with me . I'm Daksh Solanki and I will not let her go"

"Well Daksh Solanki , this is not the only way to get him to agree"

"I'm not fucking asking for his agreement . I've been very patient , I tried telling her I love you , I tried forcing her , I tried scaring her , I asked nicely to her dad, I tried convincing him but now fuck him and his massive political egoistic self. You know till high-school, I was never involved in things you and Reyansh did because I fucking wanted to study . I was actually a good boy . I wanted to become one for her so that her fucking father sees how sincerely I need his daughter but he kept on insulting my efforts. This is the only way I have and you fucking Arin Agnihotri, you're the most responsible one in the eyes of our parents ? Go ! Have fun "

"You have lost your mind" he storms outside the room . I anyways don't care about Hitler anymore .

As I step inside the elevator to reach at my floor,I get an emergency call . Along with apprehension, I feel anger . Extreme anger .

"You couldn't fucking keep her safe " I growl running inside my room. The guards get aside and When I'm about to open the bathroom door she shrieks "I'm naked"

"Fuck it" I get inside immideatly shutting the door behind me . My body freezes when I see the sparks emitting from the valve .

"DAKSH GET OUT !!!" Sia screams . I regain my senses and unbutton my shirt . Throwing it towards her I curb the urge to look at anything above her knees . I step forward and a strange numbness crawls up my leg . The red and blue sparks make dark venom spread inside the back of my head. I clench and unclench my fist when sia suddenly screams out of fear . She has worn my shirt which is still unbuttoned but wrapped around her front.

"Daksh" she speaks in a broken voice " you can call someone else , I'm dressed now"

Her voice sounds faded but I refuse to let anyone else see her like this . I step forward but stop upon seeing the half burnt wire . Anytime there can be huge fire or the current could run inside the water if till now they haven't turned off the source of electricity in the bathroom.

I keep my eyes fixed at Sia and without thinking again, I sprint towards her . She wraps her arms around my waist crying like a baby "stupid" she slaps a hand on my chest but what I see are the wires and the sparks .

"Let's go " she reminds me but my frozen body refuses to move . I wrap an arm around her . More than I'm scared for myself , I'm afraid about the source of my lifeline because only I know how it feels . What the pain is . For a few seconds your connect from the world is completely broken . You can't think , you can't hear and no words dare to come out of your lips . It's like you are inside a vacuum. Even after you come back to life, out of that silent world, you can feel the pain, the shaking of your body . It's like you died but you didn't actually die.

I take her towards the door but a loud zap makes me freeze . My heart almost stops beating for that moment and then it begins beating like a drum. I can almost hear the beats .

The back of my head throbs while I see her wear a bathrob over the open shirt. I want to talk but I can't. That's sia who makes me step out of the room and she whispers into my ear "Hey, everything is alright. "

Although she shouldn't be so kind to me after I've hurt her uncountable number of times over and over again but that's who sia is . She can never see people in pain. I feel my heart squeeze with ache before I sit on the bed . I fall back and keep looking at the ceiling breathing in and out . The guards move out and Siara locks the door. She's anxious . Coming back to me she sits near and places her warm hand on my chest . I land my palm on the back of her hand keeping it close.

"You said you'll tell me what that tattoo means" she questions pointing to the tattoo at my chest . I got it when I was in the last grade of high-school.

"It's your name" I utter and she blinks a few times .

" You really love me daksh?" She asks . But the thing is even when the questions is directed towards me . It's not me whom she wants to ask but it's herself she's asking the same thing.

"You already know the answer rabbit . I'd just say where will Raichand's Daughter find such a lover and a love so extreme ?

She thinks a little and asks "what if I tell you , I can't love mafias".

"We'll leave everything and settle abroad where we'll have a normal sized house, a caffe or something and a dog. But if you can live like that . I can't promise you these luxuries in that life but I can promise all the love"

Her eyes turn glassy as she caresses my chest ," what if I -- say that I'll love who you are only if papa accepts you"

That sounds bitter but the fact that she'll love me is itself so pleasing that I'm ready to even eat dirt "I'll kneel in front of him and beg him for you with both hands joined together. "

With the back of a hand she wipes a tear mumbling "you lie , you always lie . How can I trust you after everything "

"I'd say " getting up I cup her pinkish face " I didn't lie , I just kept things from you and that was the last time I did ."

"Is that so ? Then tell me ,What's your biggest fear ?"

I smile and say "loosing you."

She brings her Lower lip upwards and her nose turns redder " stupid asshole, then show me love not your horrendous side"

"Then I'll be again hiding things from my little rabbit and I don't want to do that ." She goes still while I continue "If you love only the good side of me baby , it's not love that I've known . That love doesn't last a lifetime. Whereas with you I don't even think one lifetime of love will be enough for me"


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