36. Daksh

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"It's okay , I'm fine" I tell my mother and walk out the kitchen .

"Daksh" she comes following me " I'm sorry" she cups my face .

"It wasn't your fault , stop being like everything is your fault kainat Kavish Solanki "

"No, I--- I shouldn't have spoken so much "

"Yes you should have straight up used dad's gun" I chuckle and she smiles . " you both are my life"

"But mom, my life is Raichand's daughter" I say and she stops herself from slapping her hand on my chest .

"I hope she realizes that soon"

"Yeah , it will be good if she does or we'll drag her home. I'm done being patient. It only got me shot"

"DAKSH ! don't do anything stupid" she calls behind me while I'm already on the stairs .

I reach my room and stand near the window.  My phone suddenly rings with a call from king .

I pick it up with my right hand. "Jackpot" He's loud "got Josh's sister . Do I need to dump her in an ocean somewhere?"

"No !" I snap . She ruined most of the things in my life and she'll tell me where her nasty little brother is.

"Bring her to me"

"Where ?"

"I'm at home"

"Woah that's some crazy shit"

I settle on the couch and grunt "I'll open the back door , I can't leave home today.  Sia is coming"

"Ohh ohh , now I know . Wait , only her ?"

"Only my girl " I hang up on him and shut my eyes . My thoughts go back to that day all of a sudden . I snap open my eyes and look around me in the room . Getting up I  open the drawer and take out Sia's pendant.  She threw  it earlier but for me , it is so much fucking significant .

[That Day ]

I froze upon hearing the gunshot and looked at Reyansh's face . He was calm and safe . He looked at me and I was safe too . We ran towards the closet tree and hid in the bushes under it . My hands were very cold . I could hear footsteps and the crushing of leaves .  I could hear gunshots . Reyansh held my hand tight untill it got dark . Through the leaves I saw the men standing close with torches in their hands .

"Where did those motherfucking kids go ?" One of them barked .

"I'm sure they are hiding somewhere" the other one answered before loading his gun  . He picked up a wooden stick and dragged it along the surface of the ground. Swinging it in the air , he hit it hard againt the bushes . My face turned pale .

"Let's get out" I told Reyansh . He tilted his head to the side and said "fine" and got up .

"Here you are" the man smirked as I grabbed Reyansh's hand tight .

"Tell me which one is Kiaan's son "

"No don't" I whispered but reyansh being Reyansh uttered "do you not see my face,  as handsome as the Satan himself . He's my father . I'll come with you but let him go"

"Shut up you idiot" I snapped but the man bent squeezing Reyansh's jaw . "Same eyes, same features , Yes it's him"
The other one walked Forward and picked him from the ground, yanking my hand away from him .

"No !!! No reyansh" I  screamed .

"Get your dirty hands off me, Dad will find me Daksh" he said looking over the man's shoulder who walked away but the one in front of me , grabbed my hand "now you" he dragged me towards a pond. 

"Leave me" I screamed on the top of my lungs "REYANSH !!"

"Who's your dad " he asked casually but I looked at him in anger .

"Don't piss me off mafia kid" he barked dragging me through the dark water . It was dirty and nasty . It smelled like rotten meat.  He stopped when we were at a wooden structure, which looked like a hut . Maybe it had been a hut once upon a time . But now it was half drowning in the water.  He threw me inside where my back hit on the dirty wood.  My uniform's white shirt was no longer white and my checked blue pant was almost black .

"Have fun , kid ." He locked me inside after shutting the door and sliding the wooden batten . I jumped into the water which barely reached my knees and banged on the door . He looked at me from above as there was no roof . He was tall and he could easily reach up there .

"Even if you don't die here , your Friend will surely die after so much torture that he's gonna face."

"Shut up you ass" I screamed hearing him walk away through the water , which was outside reaching his chest . I could drown if I try to escape myself but to more of my dismay , I saw him bring some wires . Dark black wires.  He threw them in the water . They looked like snakes but they weren't snakes actually . He connected a battery and current ran though the water.  I immidiatly climbed up the wooden surface.  He smirked and strolled away. I knew I was doomed but when I heard a car's engine start very near , my heart sank to my stomach .

"REYANSH !!!!" I screamed but there was nobody to hear me . The next day , I waited for dad and screamed many times but there was nobody around . I heard strange noises in the night accompanied by the noises of  my stomach . I waited and waited untill I no longer could wait for anyone . My eyes shut on their own and I lost my consciousness which I only regained once I heard Sia's dad .

"DAKSH !!! DAKSH !!! " His voice was distant and echoing in the woods . I heard water splashing and wood cracking but I had no energy whatsoever.

Hs grabbed my arm and kissed my head before pulling me towards his chest .

"Hey , my boy everything is fine . Get up . We're going home ." He brought a bottle of water close to my mouth . I took a sip but my body was lifeless .

"R-ey-an--sh "

"He's at home" he said giving me more hope but I knew he was lying .

"I -- I will die " was only I could tell him but his answer made me wish to stay alive .

"Don't you dare , Sia is waiting for you at home"


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