Chapter 20 - Happy, happy, happy I am~

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~ Author's Note ~

Many thanks to all my dear readers! I hope you like the story until the very end, you won't be dissapointed, I assure you n.n

The magic Jokes Sock is apparently useless (?) But you will see later owo

By the way, the flower bed, they are the kind of flowers not, uh... alive.... So, don't worry. I'm sure you didn't even notice but now you will imagine some weird thing. Sure you are a creative one n.n

Aaaand I'm BAD at describing actions while writing lyrics... sorry! Try to imagine it! ^~^)/

Enjoy nwn

~ × × × ~

"What did'cha find, Syl??"

"... Seriously?" Sylvia lifted up her paw, and she was holding a...

"A sock?"

"Hah... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" (Name) bursted in laugh. In fact, (Name) laughed so hard that she had to wipe a tear away "You had three weird items in here, haha, but this is the WEIRDEST of them all, HAHAHAHA!!"

"And what's the trick o' this thing? It doesn't even 'ave a pair!"

"Ignore the (f/c) spoon laughing." said the flower princess "Just take it and scram, you."

"... A sock."

~ × × × ~

Walking again in outer space, in their own orbble, they were going towards a nearby planet, to continue their journey with no destination in specific.

Sylvia sighed, still thinking about the impossibility to like an uneven sock as a gift, from anyone. She got quickly used to wear the stripped sock on her tail.

At least it served well against the cold.

"... A sock... Still can't believe it..."

"Com'on, Syl. It's a nice sock!" Wander was sitting on Sylvia's back, facing the other side so he could watch, and poke and play with the sock "Sounds a lot better if 'cha say 'stocking'!"

"Get over it." said (Name), trying to contain her laugh.

"Says the one who laughed so 'ard 'bout something that's not even funny."

"You should frown less and laugh more!"

"Look at the positive side! Now each o' us got a special item! I 'ave my hat, lil' (Name) has 'er backpack 'n 'cha have your sock, Syl!"

(Name) giggled "Hoh, your sock...!"




"What? I apologized!"

"Huh? I didn't call 'cha..."


"Don't look at me."


"Hmm?" Sylvia looked everywhere "Was that Hater's voice...?"

(Name) gasped and stopped walking "Hey, guys... Sorry, but I've got to go by my own..."

"Aw, will 'cha leave us now??"

"No, Wandy, no! But I will... umm, see you later in that planet, yes?" as the static grew louder inside her backpack she walked out of their orbble, creating a smaller one, and laughed nervously "Hahaha, see youuuu~!" and so, she ran away in her transport.

"... ?"

"What was that?"

"I... dunno, Syl." he sighed. Sylvia looked at him, with an empathetic look. He seemed so sad!

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant