Chapter 43 - A little girls' talk.

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~ Author's Note ~

Each one of you deserves a Wander c: Please, please come in, and take a Wander as a sign of my gratitude! Thank you for becoming my readers, I really love you! ^w^)/

What the frog... this story is getting longer and longer as I continue to write it. Forget about posting tomorrow! I will do so today!

Enjoy nwn

~ x x x ~

"So... Why are you angry?" asked (Name) while Sylvia was wrapping her up in bandages (yes, AGAIN).

"By some strange reason, your lovely princess was back in the palace when I decided to go 'n chill out."

~ × × × ~

"What if ya REALLY were attacked?"

"What if? WHAT IF!? YOU CAN'T GO IN LIFE FEEDING YOURSELF ON 'WHAT IF'S!! In the end, that stupid shield was completely in vain." the princess crossed her leaves, pacing back and forth "Such an useless effort of material and soldiers... Do you have the enough intellectual quoeficient to realize how many resources were invested into this so called 'defense border' you planned on, just so nobody would attack us!? NOBODY did attack! Just some tiny people we could handle! That was such a pesky plan, just like the one that came up with it! You are such a--"

*censorship here, sorry*

~ × × × ~

"So... That's why you are angry!"

"And she went on rambling 'n ramblin' so I got tired of listening to 'er and went somewhere else."

"That's so Daisy." they were holding a friendly conversation while (Name) recharged her laser gun up with her free hand "And you just decided to meet me at the flower beds?"

"Meh. Somewhere from her is just fine." she frowned, (Name) giggled "But we just ran into each other, so I may as well patch ya'p."

"You pout like a kid." (Name) muffled a laugh "I still can't believe Daisy drove you away!"

"... Yeah, let her do as she pleases. She knows she can't mess with this Zbornak!" Sylvia let out a laugh, balling her hands into fists "Though... As a hero, I must be supposed to be RECEIVED WITH A GRANDIOSE FEAST AND THE BEST OF TREATS AND TRAITS AT THE PALACE! Still, I only get insulted. This planet is full o' wackos."

"You went to the palace to get some nice treatment, huh? Well, that's not a good plan if standing in the same room as the princess."

"I learnt it the ugly way." finally, Sylvia held up her friend's left hand. Inevitably, she remembered the recent fight with Dominator "... Gal, I can't believe you just got frostbitten."

"... Well, heh... Thanks to it, I can't really feel your hands now."

"Hmmm... This's no nice injury." said the Zbornak, checking on her hand. With a cold injury, it was pretty predictable to know (Name) lost her sensibility in the affected zone "I've never been faced with frostbite before. I'll hopefully treat it the right way."

Having finished with the respective patching of that area, Sylvia put away the bandages. Her hand would be ok now. It was a good thing that her hand was put into warm water once they got to the gardens.

It wasn't that bad of an injury, neither, but it would surely leave ANOTHER 'scar'. It didn't matter, she was alright besides that.

A hard decision was to come when Sylvia noticed the only bandages that remained to be replaced were the ones on her right hand, the ones (Name) didn't let Wander nor Sylvia touch. She hesitated, her eyes glued to that hand.

Still, she respected (Name)'s decision, and smiled "... All done."

"... You can... also remove those bandages, if you want to." (Name) said, and Sylvia was quite surprise to hear her change of mind "You know... with my other hand like this, I would be unable to do it correctly, so... go ahead. I'll tell you a story!"

She was obviously exaggerating. But her submission was cute for Sylvia: it meant she finally was turning into a good friend for her.

The blue character took her hand and got rid of the former bandages.

"... Wow. A frostbite on one hand, and a burn in the other? Ya sure have fun!"

Her hand exposed, she had fur on the injury, yes, but her fur in that zone was... darker than the rest on her body. Down there, on the actual skin, it was definitely dark. But who wants to see under a Star Nomad's coat?

"Many years ago, Dominator attempted to destroy this planet. I had been here for awhile and they treated me well, so... I went up there and fought her so I could defend the flowers." Sylvia began to wrap up the hand, listening attently. (Name) giggled "Heh, I think maybe... I wasn't thinking too well when I decided to do that! She shot at me with her lava!" with her foot, she then began to draw lines in the soil and the next time she talked, she grimaced "Then... she began to look for me and I had to keep a low profile in my job."

"Your job as--"

"Yes, a huntress. Thief, spy, bounty huntress, monster huntress, I just did the work given to me, under those lines of 'risky job'."

"I was a bounty hunter. Well, huntress. I think I already told ya, right?"

"Yes. And that's how you can earn a life. I prefer adventures, soooo..."

"Ya're pretty brave, ya know?" putting the remaining bandages into a first-aid kit "Not everyone wanna be a hunter."

"Haha, I feel elated to be complimented by you!"

Stretching out and putting the first-aid kit back into the other girl's backpack, she smiled happily "All fairly done now!"

(Name) stared at her both wrapped hands "Thank you."

"... Ya know? I kinda... getcha." Sylvia scratched the back of her long neck " I get now WHY THE GROP ya care so much 'bout this stupid ball of stuck-up flowers."

"Stupid ball of stuck-up flowers! Hahah..." (Name) wipped a tear "Hah... They would be my family. Like... how Wander seems, to not have an own family, either... right?"


She was right. Sylvia never, NEVER EVER has known a thing about her buddy's family. Nope. No one.

Maybe that's why she was so happy that they met that small Star Nomad called (Name).

"That's... pretty common in Star Nomads, I think."

"... I guess so..." suddenly, Sylvia popped with a comment "But ya two would make a nice family, don--"

"THOUGH they REALLY overdid themselves with the statue thing..." the (f/c) Star Nomad found a rather smart way to evade Sylvia's last comment, by going back to the previous topic. This obviously didn't please her as much, but she couldn't push on the issue "The flowers I mean, haha. How about going for a longer walk?"

"... But what was that, (Name)..."


"Ahem! I mean, yes, yes! We should go to walk... or somethin'. I guess."

'Grop. This girl won't take Wander seriously! Now I see why he was so down...'

~ × × × ~

"Ugh... WHAAAAAA!!"

Entering the jungle, Peepers had a few troubles since he didn't have his gun in hand and he relied only in his tiny arms to make his way through the overgrown flora.

Or, given the amount of muscle he had under his clothes, maybe he was just exaggerating, and that would be why that branch suddenly whipped him back and threw him a few steps away.

"Wait for me, my lord...!! Uff..." he raised to his feet, determined to continue his search "I will find you! And then, we will conquer the whole galaxy together! WAHAHAHAHA!!" while laughing, he walked into some quicksands. When he noticed it, he tried to get away but... just couldn't and crossed his arms as he slowly sank in "... Of course."

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora