Chapter 32 - Phases one, two and three, completed now!

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~ Author's Note ~

Thanks, thanks, thanks! Thanks for liking this story --even if not on voting-- but I know you like it if you're now here n.n

Hahahaha! Sorry... I didn't see that coming from Peepers~

Carrots and oranges and raccons and lyrics! That was a hard song! Mainly because I'm sleepy (?) I tried my best to make it rhyme... don't laugh at me~ (~TToTT)~

Enjoy nwn

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"... 'Cha sure were grouchy with Hater, heh?"

"Agh, it's that Hater... lying to me like this! And I fell straight for his trap!"

"You... kinda did the same to me, and I ain't angry at 'cha."

"Uh... Well... You kinda... did the same to Sylvia and she didn't get angry... did she get angry?"

"Wow! 'Cha sure got a good memory!" suddenly, Wander's happy smile turned into a sad smile. Somehow, (Name) got the feeling that his cheery self turned off bit by bit "Truth is... I should have told 'er everythin' since the beginnin'."

"Don't blame yourself! I'm... sorry for saying that, okay? I just... tried to make you realize something." (Name) got close to the wall and hugged it "There, I apologized, Wandy!"

"Are 'cha huggin' the wall, too?"

"Haha, of course!"

"Apology accepted, then!"

A lovely, husky giggle escaped his lips before he sat down, again, his back to the wall. It was ironic how close and far they were from each other at this time, and place.

Both, literally and figuratively.

Just to say that she was, as close yet far, as the first shooting star which came to grant Wander's wish, the first time.

"Let's sing somethin', yes?"

"Sure thing." (Name) adopted the same pose but crossed her legs, getting her (instrument) ready "What to sing?"

"Let's improvise!!"

His fingers tickled one per one the thin strings of his banjo, obtaining a chord out of it. On cue by the faint sound, her hands kindly climbed up on the (musical instrument), preparing to match the fellow Star Nomad's melody, whichever it shall be.

"When you're ready!"

"Oooh~ I feel like a sunshine basked me entirely~"

"Butterflies inside me, fluttering all daringly~"

"Seein' 'cha I get that feelin' immediately~"

"I want to sing to deal with it

"And we love singin', right~? Com'on and sing your part!"

"Any word that rhymes sounds nice~"

"But! There's just one name that sings in mah 'eart~" he stopped playing his instrument, she did, too "And there 'cha enter, (Name)!"

"... Aw. Don't say things like that, you silly!" she giggled, feeling like a teen would feel with her first love.

"So... 'nother song?"

"Right! But it's my turn to begin!"

~ ~ Near the basement, more exactly, inside one of the ventilation ducts...

"Oh man, those bots sure were difficult to deal with! But... everything fo' Wander. He'd do that for me." after thinking a bit, Sylvia frowned "Okay, 'e wouldn't FIGHT the bots... but he'd do something. Like asking nicely? ... Whatever."

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now