Chapter 7 - A Star Nomad faster than a Shooting Star.

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~ Author's Note ~

Hello again, Carlina here talking! ^^ Thank you so much if you are reading this story. I know WOY is... not as trending as it used to be some time ago... >.< But I totally LOVE Wander so, I just have to follow my heart and write what I love to write about n.n

This... This chapter looks like a joke itself xD I dunno if I've got something with unnoticed coincidence in the same place for the reader and the characters... I dunno.

Psst, I've got the feeling I've been putting too much fluffy moments --hugs-- between Syl and Wander xD However, I do not intent to have even a little ounce of romance between them AS THIS IS a reader insert. They just are friends c:

Enjoy nwn

~ × × × ~

"Nice fireworks!"

"Yeah, they were great."

A female alien passed by Sylvia's side, carrying a rope and eating an ice cream, and she politely responded to the casual comment.

But just half a second later, Sylvia's eyes went wide as the realization hit her. She gasped. She just let another Star Nomad pass by her! It was Wander's wish! That flarpin' star granted it at the most unexpected moment!

And she let her go away.

"!! WANDEEEER!!" and just after she called him, her hands covered her mouth. Why did she had to call him when there was no one now!?

"Did'cha call me, Syl?"

"AH... Eh..." a nervous Zbornak tried to come out with something "Umm, I-I..."

"Sylvia, you're sweatin' so much! Are you feelin' sick?"

"I... WE gotta go NOW!"

"Aww, but the show didn't end ye--"

"You'll have to do as it did just now!"

"What? What's wrong, Sylvia? Sylviaaaaa?? Sylviaaa--AAAAAAAAH!!" Wander cries as the Zbornak puts him harshly onto her saddle and took off running, maybe hoping to reach the Nomad somewhere.

~ × × × ~

"Well, I didn't find a thing..." (Name) stretched out and yawned "But I had fun... Maybe info was right but this planet is so big I didn't have luck... Maybe I should find where to rest."

Her eyes moved back to the jungle she just came out of earlier, and back to the city. This happened like three times more, until she stopped her eyes on the jungle.

"... I don't plan on spending one more crystal."

~ ~ Late, at night...

As they helped earlier with the monster in the fair, Sylvia and Wander were given a nice room to rest for the night. They were given a big buffet and a big and warm welcome in the big city's five-star hotel, too.

Given Sylvia's persistence, Wander finally acceded to rest at the penhouse, with a comfy bed, a giant TV screen and room service.

Sylvia wanted the TV!

"Hahaha! 'Cha gotta try this bed, Sylvia!" laughed Wander as he jumped on the water bed, every time he gave a jump, he talked one or two words to Sylvia "It's... funny... to jump... 'ere!! ... Hahaha!!"

"Stop jumping. If that bed pops ya could hurt yourself! Not to mention that we'll have to pay for the damage done."

"You... always... worryin' 'bout... things... Syl!"

"I just care 'bout your well-being 'n integrity, Wander. I don't wanna pick ya'p piece per piece."

"Sylvia~! Sylviaaaa!" he went on talking while jumping "Sylviaaaaaa??"

A knock interrupted Wander "Room service!"

"Going!" shouted Sylvia, standing up and walking to the door to open it.

"Here is the jellyfish pie you requested."

"Thanks! This looks delicious! Wait, lemme give ya a tip."


While Sylvia was trying to give a tip to the employee, a sudden 'SPLASH' was heard and when they both turned around to see what happened... Sylvia shouted, angry at the sight of the poor, now destroyed bed, the wet floor and a drenched Wander.

"Wander!" the mentioned one just smiled and shrugged.

~ ~ Even later, at night...

Sylvia couldn't get to sleep that easily. Of course, Wander was already asleep on top of her, like he was her pet or sorta. She was used to it.

And given that the water bed was no more thanks to her friend, they just decided to sleep on a very soft and fluffy rug.

But she couldn't stop thinking about, how could she just let Wander's wish go away.

"Oh, man... If only I reacted sooner..." that said, she tried to sleep too.

~ ~ The next day...


Waking up to the annoying high-pitched voice of an excited adventure-seeker Wander, Sylvia yawned, rubbing her eyes.

"Uh, mornin'... Whaddaya want, buddy...?"

"Let's go wanderin'!"

"Ok, ok, let... lemme grab a snack..." still half-asleep, Sylvia stood up and when she tried to walk out of the room, she bumped into the wall "Ugh...!"


"... I'm fine."

~ ~ On the other side of the planet...

Waking up to the roaring of some wild animal hunting early in the morning, (Name) yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"What the...?" the ground shook again, with a second imponent growl "AAAAAAAAH!!"

And soon she was a goner, just leaving the dust behind her.

That was some good alarm!

~ × × × ~

Many, many, REALLY MANY years ago...

"Any last words, huh?"

"... Loser..."


As she struggled, her hands were on Dominator's powerful claws, which were digging into the skin beneath her fur, trying to tear them apart from her neck "You'll... never harm... this planet..."

Moving really quick, her hand swinged her rope around and her precise aiming made her hit land hard onto Dominator's cheek. After the painful whip, she let go of (Name) who, breathing heavily, rubs her neck, trying to soothe the pain.

"You'll have to... kill me... first..." (Name) coughed and coughed.

"... You will wish you'd never did that... and you'll wish you'd NEVER said that!"

Lord Dominator's hand began to heat up and turn red, signal that she was going to throw out a fireball.

(Name) gasps but just barely evaded it rolling to the side, as she felt like she really was having trouble breathing. Then, determination hit her and, with her remaining strength, she managed to swing herself to the other side of the ship with her rope, directly to the panel.

Consequently, Dominator missed and her attack was send straight to the controls.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" screamed out the villain, since the destruction was stopped "YOU NOSY FURBAG!!"

Suddenly, Dominator threw a more rapid fireball and that DID manage to burn (Name)'s hand a bit.

"Aaaah!! Burns, it burns...!!" she blew and blew on her hand.


"You are a pathetic hero!! Do you really think I can be stopped with this!?"

"I dunno, but..." as she talked, the Star Nomad jumps into the hole through which she entered "Good luck!"

"No, no, nooo..." she tried to stop it, but noticed it was useless... "Ah... aaah... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH, STUPID FURBAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!"

A big explosion took place.

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now