Chapter 40 - Can I kiss you?

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~ Author's Note ~

Thank you so much for the BIG audience! We are now in the first rows of search results for Google images of "Wander x Reader"! (weird thing to do, Carlina!) It may seem not important to you, but I just wanted to share our achievements with you all! I love you so much!! *blowes kisses everywhere* <3

By the way... I know the drawing looks weird! I just based off Wander's kissy face from "The Brainstorm". Yep. Weird faces (?)

Uh-oh, her flowerness is ANGRY!!

Facts: Like when the title makes you think a LOT of things! (?) Hehe >w<

~ x x x ~

"Whew... That was close!"

"Lil' (Nameeee)... Wake 'p~!" Wander was in another world, whispering to an unconscious (Name) "These aren't hours to sleep! (Nameeeeee)~"

"Ya're talking to a rock right now buddy, y'know?" Sylvia stretched her neck and talked to Peepers right after that "And you gotta be more grateful, y'know? We just saved yer pitiful life."

He coughed, puffing up his chest "O-of course I am grateful about you two worrying about me." Sylvia wiggled her eyebrows.


The tiny one glared back at her and let out a bothered groan "Ok, more with you." he sighed "But what about lord Hater? What if he actually DIED in that explosion!?"

"Ahahaha, ya boot-licker!" Sylvia slapped her knee "Do ya really think Hater would die --again, if he even did once-- in a silly explosion? Nah, he's tougher than 'e appears."

"He'll get back up again!" her pal waved one of his arms up and down, as if he was a bird "Like a phoenix! Hater, the phoenix!"

"Yeah... But less appealin'." she said with disgust "Besides, remember you were the one that caused the explosion, for what I take it Dominator will next target ya."

"W-what!? What makes you think that!?"

"I just do. Don't ya?"

"Why should I think that?"

Leaving them both aside talking about their own matters (or more like arguing back and forth), something else caught Wander's attention. His eyes shone for a moment as he spotted a really bright shooting star pass by and the next moment, he closed his eyes and did the same he did at the beginning.

'Please... Let (Name) wake 'p soon...!! I'd like to talk to 'er 'bout... that matter. But more, I'm worried 'bout 'er... I'll be happy if I know she'll be fine!'

The star soon disappeared into distance, and Wander felt his wish going away with it. He had faith that, his wish would be granted once more. He thought, why not? Besides, if it's very noble to wish for someone else's well being than yours, giving up your desire for someone you love... it is worth a star each time.

A husky and feeble voice cut through his thoughts, and a hand pulling his cheek brought him back to his senses.


"Lil' (Name)! You're finally awake! I was gettin' worried 'bout 'cha!" he hugged her slightly and let out a long sigh "You just matter so much to me..."

"Umm... W-wait... Where a-are we...?" still stuttering due to the cold, she seemed a bit panicked for waking up so suddenly in an orbble, in the middle of space. Sitting up so quickly did her bad too, as she got dizzy and collapsed again, into Wander's arms "Uh... C-cold..."

Wander felt her shivering so bad and took some sheets out from his hat, covering her with them "Don't worry. I gotcha." he smiled, hugging her closer.

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