Chapter 2 - Welcome to BlueLand! Got a better name?

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~Author's Note~

Thank you for reading this story. I love my stories and you, my readers, both with all my heart n.n

I just HAD to piss off Sylvia, it's funny to do xD Oh yes... Sorry, but Reader will not be able to introduce herself decently to Wander & Sylvia until a few chapters later, I've got something in store <3

(f/c) = this time, fur colour.
(fav/c) = this IS favourite colour.

Enjoy nwn

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"Welcome to BlueLand!"

"You've gotta be kidding me." Sylvia sighed, and talked to the blue king. EVERYTHING was, even the king and the people, completely blue "... 'BlueLand'? Seriously?"

"You've got a nice planet 'ere, dearest king o' BlueLand! It looks blue sapphire from space. Don't 'cha think the name fits the planet perfectly, Sylvia?"

"No. I admire their creativity fo' names. And your creativity for guessing, pal."

"We're here for the dangerous but well-paid job, sir!"

"Oh, so you're the brave ones!"

"Yes, we ARE the brave ones!" repeated an unworried Wander, still shaking hands with the king.

"What do ya mean 'the brave ones'?" Sylvia was confused now "Really, nobody else wanted to take on this job?"

The king didn't seem too glad talking about the issue "... Follow me, heroes."

"Aaaand here we go, 'nother near-death experience adding to the Near-Death-Experiences Album."

"I wanna take a peek at that album o' yours later, Syl! Sounds nice."

"... It was sarcasm, Wander."

"Wasn't it an album?"


~ × × × ~

"... Wow."

"Oh, no! What kind o' beast would do this to the nice, tiny 'n blue BlueLanders!?"

When they arrived at the crime scene, there were only the remains of what one day surely was a harvest of blue vegetables. Some of the leaves had bites, other vegetables were ripped off their roots... and so.

And there were way TOO many footprints, going everywhere and coming from everywhere, like an stampede ran in the same place, in circles.

"So, old man... Where's that--" as Sylvia turned around, the king was no longer there "... umm... monster. Yeah."

"Maybe 'e was just hungry?"

"Are ya talking 'bout the king or 'bout the monster?"

"Both?" Wander shrugged.

"Well... Let's get to chase that monster then. When I find it, I'll introduce it to these ladies!" said Sylvia, balling her hands into fists, punching the air.

"Let's not be aggressive, Sylvia!" her friend put down her fists "Maybe it was just some hungry animal that gotta feed 'er cubs! ... Or his cubs. Though, in that case it'd be weird."

"Yeah Wander, I'm sure it is that." she rolled her eyes "Hey, these are some strange footprints. Look 'bout your shoe size!"


Wander walked in circles around the footprint, before crouching down and sniffing the area like a dog, still walking in circles. A second later he stopped, felt the ground beneath the footprint, took a bit of the dust between his fingers and licked it.

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