{Drawing} Whoop! Thanks for the support!

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This is my gift for you all my lovely sweeties, readers! For our +1000 views! Truth is, I was gonna save it until the 2000 views, but... I said 'why not now?' So... I'll just leave it there... (?)

Feel free to use it any way you'd like! My best friend has this as her phone wallpaper, heh~ >w<)/

I thought about drawing a parody, mostly because I wanted to dress Wander up like a princess (?) This is one of my sister's favourite movies, and I love the instrumental in it n.n

Wander is the best Disney princess ever, hah!

Which Disney movie is your favourite? You've got to have one... right? OwO

~ CAST ~

Wander as Rapunzel~ <3
Sylvia as Flynn/Eugene/Whatever you'd like best~ LOL
Domi as Gothel~ OMG
Peepers as Pascal~ LMAO
Hater as tree #2 ~ 😂😂😂

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now