Chapter 24 - The hat, the backpack and the sock.

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~ Author's Note ~

Thanks to all these nice people that make a little room in their schedule, to read this, my beloved story~ Your presence here is encouraging to me n.n

That was a weird drawing... You probably can't see it well in a cellphone, it looks better in a computer... Sorry about that, I'll light up my colour palette!

Enjoy nwn

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"..." Sylvia's smile faded "Ya could show a little emotion, y'know."


"... ?"

Suddenly, (Name)'s eyes shone bright and her lips curled up in a super happy smile, before she opened her mouth and screamed... yep, like a fangirl.


"Wow, those ARE some lungs, gal..."

The shout was so powerful that it broke some windows, and someone shouted from a house, angrily "You're going to pay for that broken glass!!"

"Wander, I can't..." the little Star Nomad found herself choking with her own words "I just can't believe that you did this for me!"

"You look happy!"

"I don't look happy! I AM HAPPY!" she threw herself on him and hugged him "I'm SOOOO happy!"

"Wow, they sure are the same thing." said Sylvia, remembering the words of Wander back in the garden, when he sang that catchy song about his happiness and all that stuff.


"Heh, not that... yet." Wander undid the hug, and looked at her eyes, with a somewhat disappointed smile. It was not that time yet, he knew "Hold it in, lil' (Name)!"

"Hehe, sure..." but she hugged him even again and cuddled under his arms, smiling widely "Aww, Wandy!"

Completely caught up in the nice scene of her best friend finally, finding someone just like him, and getting to love her so much; it just bit her heart with an indescribable sweetness. Sylvia soon snapped out of it, and rushed them to go.

"Well, there ya two go! Go, go!"

"Wait..." said (Name), realizing something "What about you, Sylvia?"

"Huh? What 'bout me?"

"I mean, what will you do? One of those tickets was yours, wasn't it? I would feel bad if yo--"

"Oh, never mind that, (Name)! I care most 'bout ya two. I'll be staying in a nearby planet, so we won't be apart forever!"

"Thanks, Syl!" the other female smiled, before hugging Sylvia "You're really cool!"

"Ah, (Name)." the Zbornak whispered "Show Wander 'ow to love, will ya?"


"He loves ya, 'n he loves me too, as 'e loves everyone in the galaxy! ... But Wander just can't realize that this kind o' love for ya may be different." Sylvia closed her eyes for a moment and meditated. When she opened them again, she put on a determinated face and sighed "Please teach Wander what I can't. Promise me!"

"Sylvia, I... umm..."

(Name) suddenly panicked. Was this what she really felt? Was she allowed to feel that? She was a huntress...

'Don't let emotions get to you!'

Hah, a huntress' emotions? The sole meaning of that phrase made her laugh, when she knew more than anyone that she was mixing those two things together.

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