Chapter 41 - Just leftovers from a war.

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~ Author's Note ~

Thank you so much for reading! We're almost by the end! Aren't you all excited, sweeties?? *---* This is all thanks to you! <3

Again, sorry for no drawing >~< I will put them as soon as I can get them done! Promise! =)

Oh, one thing! Remember reader still has a cold from her last match with Domi. That's why you/she stutters!

By the way, "peasant" is the best I got for Wander. I've got no imagination for insults xD

That's the better title I could get .-.

Oh, yep! I decided to just leave gifs instead of pictures. They have nothing to do with the story, though. Don't worry! I will update when I have the illustrations n.n

Enjoy nwn

~ x x x ~

"We already did the, uh... your dirty job. Now, what do we find in exchange? YOU TRYING TO KISS A PEASANT!! YUCK!!" shouted the flower princess to (Name), while taking off her headband.

"C-calm down, Daisy. He's not a..." she snickered, almost wanting to laugh at the funny new insult the flower gave Wander "... peasant, did you s-say?"

"Well, he looks just like that to me!"

She folded her leaves, in discomfort. Meanwhile, (Name) just remained sitting on her bed, completely wrapped up in sheets and sipping on her cup of hot chocolate.

Wander popped his head through the door (more like, through the lianas) leading to the little room that (Name) had in the gardens. His smile showed that he had no hard feelings of some sort against the princess... or anyone at all. In fact, he was actually happy to meet more people --even if those people were not... kind at all with him-- and the most he met, the happier he was.

"Do 'cha girls need somethin' else?"


"Okay!" given the flower's order, he just disappeared from the door, but yelled back "JUST LEMME KNOW WHEN 'CHA NEED SOMETHIN'~!!"

"I NEED YOU TO DISAPPEAR!!" fortunately, it seems that Wander was already gone because there was no answer. (Name) pulled one of her petals.

"Don't be l-like that to him!" scolded (Name), ironically, with a slight smile. This situation kind of was full humour for her.

"Auch!! Don't touch me that way, you moron!"

"You'll never have f-friends that way."

"I don't need you scolding me when it should have been the other way around. I'm done with this!"

"Oh!" just when the daisy was out of her hair, (Name)'s walkie talkie vibrated and she called out "CAN YOU TELL THE O-ONE WITH THE BIG EYE TO COME, P-PLEASE??"


"I know you w-wiiiiill~" she grinned.

~ ~ Out there somewhere in the gardens...

The plants inhabitants of the gardens got rid of the watchdogs when they were attacked.

Yes, they were attacked.

Every plant was, nearly, intact and in good shape. You couldn't say the same about (Name), however. By some weird asset of life, she always got hurt whenever something happened, but thanks to that, she's so tough.

You can say you can't get rid of her easily. Just like you'd say about lord Hater. Or Wander, when he's harassing Hater.

Out there, just a step away from the dawn, every flower was helping to clean up the mess of the earlier battle that, if it wasn't so ferocious as you'd think it could be, it turned everything upside down, mimicking Hater's room. Of course, Sylvia and Wander were helping and while she attended the few flowers who had few scratches, he swept the floor.

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