Chapter 13 - Let's share our friendship and our milkshake!

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~ Author's Note ~

My readers, thank you so much for your support. I take it you really love Wander, huh? Well... I wish I would have known about WoY before this very day, when it was pretty popular uwu Then, I wouldn't be so sad... forget it. I love this story, I hope you love it, too <3

In this chapter, well... Wander was abducted by you (sounds kinda a joke xD) aaaand... I dunno if you would take him to Lord Hater if you had him o3o And if you love him, 'f course.

So, about Wander's hat... In previous chapters, I wrote that (Name)'s backpack and Wander's hat were both in a cave, like some tresures from a little daisy. Just imagine Reader received her backpack WAAAAAY before someone stole the green hat and before the civil war in which Wander obtained it, happened. It makes sense :3

Excusez moi, I've not seen one single episode of WOY for a month... I am a bit sentimental... You should know... La nostalgia repentina es terrible, sin duda.

Enjoy TTwTT

~ × × × ~


Shouted Sylvia as she searched for her friend. Between the aliens, behind the aliens, under the aliens, inside the... no, not inside, that's gross.

She sure saw that so familiar rope but... she still couldn't grasp it all.

"Wander! For grop's sake, that female Star Nomad was plottin' something nasty... O' course that was Hater's voice, she's confabuled with 'im! 'N I still can't believe Wander ran straight to 'er tramp, too! Figuratively, he RAN away with her... Did they elope!? ... Oh, but what I'm talking 'bout now?" she said to herself "Wander!"

"Free samples." said a tall alien, holding a tray with some spacial squid special sushi samples, and holding one of them with his long, yellow trump "Please, take a free sample or I won't get my paycheck."

"Excuse me, sir. Have you've seen an orange 'n fluffy Star Nomad pass by 'ere?"

"Not only I saw one, but I saw two. That was weird." he responded, with a voice that implied that he was bored to the bone "They rushed that way."

Sylvia took a look outside, then gasped. Not too far away from the Station, there was, approaching... "The Skull Ship! Oh no, buddy...!!"

The Zbornak took off running. But not before giving a tip.

"Take a crystal for yer good work, young man... or elephant, whatever ya are!"

"Young elephman." he corrected "Well... This be my first income. Weeeh..."



"Huh...?" Sylvia stopped and looked every way "Wander?"


She focused. Effectively, they both were standing beside an ice cream stand. Wander was calmly eating a mint flavored ice cream and she was eating a (fav/f) flavored one, with toppings; and her buddy was waving happily, a hand at her.

Like nothing happened at all.

What the grop happened here?

Sylvia blinked. Reacted, and rushed.

"Wander!" she hugged him "Ya ok, buddy...?"

"Aww, Syl! Were 'cha worried 'bout me??"

"If I was worried, ya ask? I sure WAS worried!" she smiled, then put on a serious look "Please, don't take off runnin' like that again, yes?"

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now