Chapter 10 - Talking to the stars.

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~ Author's Note ~

Thank you so much, my loyal readers! I love you so much, and your opinions are very important to me n.n

Uh... Reader's head is about to explode, but she will be ok. The first day --more like night-- by Syl and Wander's side, how cute n.n


WOW, I just surprised myself with the last chapter! It's like... I was thinking 'bout something but wrote an unexpected twist, so... wow!

Enjoy nwn

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Wander's eyes shone bright "MY WISH..."

"Yeah. Your wish, buddy."

"Hahaha! You're my wish!!" Wander slipped off Sylvia's grasp and ran to the other Star Nomad, to hug her tightly "I'M SO HAPPYYYYYYYY!!"

"Hey, you're another Star Nomad...?" as Wander was hugging her, (Name) wanted to feel the orange fur in front of her with her hands, like trying to get rid of the doubt that this was not a dream "Are you real??"

"Yes, I am! Question is, are 'CHA real!?"

"Yes, I am!"

"And I am HAPPY!!"

"ME TOOOOOOO!!" the both of them let go of the other and began to scream and giggle like a pair of fangirls.

Finally...!! He was not the only one after all!

He was so thankful with the circumstances that made him met her. Thanks to that star for making this wish come true...

To meet another of his kind.

"WAAAAAAAAH!!" he hugged her again "I'M SO HAPPY I COULD KISS 'CHA!!"

"No, not that, haha!" (Name) pushed Wander away, in a friendly way, and punched his arm "Hah... Hold that in, pal."

"Buddy, let 'er breathe! She looks so beaten..." Sylvia got in the middle so Wander couldn't get near the other furry alien. Even so, his shaking was MORE than obvious "Are ya ok, girl?"

"Yes, I am, thank you. I just fighted against a giant monster I think was a Yeti or sorta, I dunno."

"What? And ya're sure you're feelin' well?"

"Yup, no worries! I'm used to it."

"... Ya'now? Ya sure are some quiet Star Nomad."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, ya're a thousand times calmer than Wander! I seriously began to think tha' every Star Nomad was like that."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEK!! CAN I HUG HER AGAIN!?" begged Wander, jumping up and down like a kangaroo, still being held back by Sylvia's hand.



"You are too!"

"Haha... Wait." (Name)'s mind re-processed the sentence that was said to her, four dialogs ago "Did you say 'Wander'?"


"Oh? So, 'cha ALREADY know 'bout me!!" Wander shook hands with her, happily "Howdy! Name's Wander! 'N she's mah best friend, Sylvia! We like to travel the galaxy in search for people to 'elp!"

"How's goin' on?"

"Wander..." their new friend whispered, in a really low voice.

"Yes? I know I got a wonderful name! Sylvia chose it fo' me!"

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now