Chapter 35 - Inside Hater's room.

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~ Author's Note ~

My lovely sweeties! Howdy? I hope everything goes fine with you! Thank you for reading, I hope that your day goes smoothly =)

I've got something with having characters in towel pacing around the place (?)

This is important! When Hater talks about Peepers having 'weird fetishes', please don't take it the wrong way. A fetish is a compulsive obsession for something in particular, and it doesn't have to be necessarily sexual. Thanks =)

Enioy nwn

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Just at the same time (Name) sneaked into Dominator's ship, Sylvia and Wander sneaked into Hater's room, too. Let's see what our two favourite intergalactic travelers are doing in there, first...

"Wow...!! Syl, we're in Hater's room!"

Once he took the black clothes off, the furry alien was pretty amazed by the big dump spread out in front of him.

Cans and comic books, and socks and trash, and snack bags and underwear; hanging everywhere.

"This is NOT the time to act so surprised, Wander!" Sylvia's hands went to her hips, her eyes scanning the extremely dirty room "Where'd 'e hide that thing?"

"Look!" Wander opened his arms, like a bat, to show off the robe he was now wearing, and consequently talked in a deeper and raspier voice than usual "I'M LORD HATER, THE GREATEST!!"

"Put that back from where ya took it."

"Aww, but it's so pretty, Syl! A bit overrated, but nice, some'ow." he posed in front of a large mirror "Can't I just borrow it? I'll tell Hater whenever I see 'im!"

"Do it but start lookin' for your 'at too, pal!" still digging into Hater's belongings (rather, trash), Sylvia added, concerned "We must go 'n find (Name) so we can end this nightmare for all and once!"

"ROGER!!" he stood firmly, before diving down into the trash, too "For (Name)!"

While they were at it, searching and looking everywhere and sniffing like two dogs, one of them talked up, maybe to feel like this was not a totally dull task in comparison to (Name)'s quest. A little chatting always brights up the mood!

The Zbornak dove under the bed, beautifully raising her tail as to show she was alert.


"Yes, Syl?" he threw away some gray socks (which were white before... don't ask how) while Sylvia retrieved some boxers "Hmm... I'll ask Hater if he'll let me wash 'is clothes!"

She tried to hold her chuckling "Did'cha know Hater 'as some white underwear with little hearts patterns all over?"

"Well, it's not weird..." he threw away some gloves "He's just like that! He's all love and peace." he put his hands to his hips after dispossing of some more wrappers "But more love! Oh, comics!" when his hand reached for the comic book and his eyes began to examine the cover, he stopped his search "Wow, I never thought Hater liked these kind o' comics!"

"... Wander, concentra-- Wait, what ate you reading!?" alarming for nothing, Sylvia shouted aloud.

"Hm?" with a hand holding the comic, the other inside a bag of fries and a leftover potato chip in his mouth, he replied "Ah, this plain story 'bout a beardy fella with a staff who 'elps the forest animals..." story sounding silly until he excitedly said (with his mouth full, of course) "Can 'cha believe 'is name's Wander, too!?"

"Hm." his friend sighed and took the book in her hands, rating it "... Well, he DOES look like ya." she alternates her sight between Wander and the 'other Wander'. Her companion stood up and peeped at that page.

"... Am I that beardy?"

"Yeah. Well, not really, ya're just... umm... furry?"

"I think I saw his trustworthy steed 'round 'ere..." he flipped through the pages "Ah, this is it!"

Sylvia gasped "Wander! I don't look like THIS!"

"I never said that, Syl."

"You're implyin' it!"

"Well, maybe 'cha are not lookin' at it lik--"

Wander's mouth was suddenly covered, as Sylvia whispered.

Footsteps of both, sneakers and boots approaching the room where they were right now, grew louder and nearer. The Zbornak's crin straightened up.

"Grop! Someone's coming!"

"Isn't this a perfect plan to conquer the whole galaxy once and for all? With Wander out of our noses, we can finally put this plan on march!"

"Peepers... I'm honestly tired of hearing those two cats singing down there in their cells about love and life and friendship, and you follow me and keep on talking to me about doom and enslaving... people and... uh, those things I don't understand?"

"But, my lord!" just before the door was opened, Sylvia ran in circles around, before throwing Wander into the closet and hiding herself under the bed, again. And just as Hater entered his room, the tiny commander went behind him "You have to listen to me! This is our great chance! We can take advantage of this situation!"

"Who cares anyway, Peepers!? I finally have Wander in MY clutches, wahahaha! That's all I've wanted since, uh... I don't remember, but yeah, that's it." he stared at himself at the mirror, posing and kissing his 'muscles', if he had any. Right after, he noticed some pink fluffy thing sticking out from under his bed "Eh...? PEEPERS!! How many times do I have to tell you that I HATE it when you and the watchdogs leave weird stuff in MY room!?"

"What? But no one has entered your room..." Peepers pulled the thing, but it pulled back and hid further behind the covers. He found that strange. He tried pulling it out again, but in the moment he also lifted up the bed sheets so he could take a look at whatever was under the bed, he met with something he didn't expect there. Or rather, someone "... lord?"

"Gimme back my tail...!" Sylvia whispered-shouted, retrieving her tail.

"I don't care about that thing Peepers, I know you have some... weird fetishes. Just take that thing and leave my room!" as he was going to reply, the little guy noticed that the robe his lord was putting on was just the robe where Wander was 'hiding'. Or the robe he was wearing, however you'd like to say it. Yes, just THAT robe. The Star Nomad smiled. But Peepers' eye opened wide in surprise, even though, he did not say a word "Now, if you care... I kind of have a, hmm... date right now! Yes, I like the sound of it!"

Sylvia saw in horror as his buddy was taken further away with each of Hater's step. When she finally got out of her hiding place, she shook off all the dust from her and placed her hands on her temples.

"I'll never get that picture of yer boss in underwear, outta my mind." she frowned "That was... disgustin'!"

Peepers sighed "I would have guessed you both were now far, faraway. What held you back?"

"Well, you kinda... forgot to give 's Wander's hat back, dummy! He's so thick-headed that he will never forgive himself if he loses it!"

"Oh? And what were you doing here? I had it." he returned the hat, like it was a matter-of-fact. Sylvia growled.

"You could have GIVEN it back earlier! Some watchdog told us it was here, in Hater's room."

He snickered "And you believe them?"

"... Good point. Still..." Sylvia turned to face Peepers "Thank ya for not sayin' a thing. It would've been a real problem."

"I had no other options, anyway. I'm kind of a conspirator of yours at this point." he sighed and turned around. A few seconds passed by for Sylvia to stretch her neck and suddenly appear, smirking, in front of his eye "... W-what!?"

"... Boy!" she walked up to face him "If ya get like that with every lady near you, I take it your social life is pretty disappointin'." she held in a laugh "Nerd."

"... !! ... D-don't you really have a better insult for me?"

"Nah, not in the mood."

"So..." Peepers coughed "I take it my idiot will not really realize about your idiot being out his cell in a loooong time."

"You can bet."

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