Chapter 11 - New bandages for a new friend!

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~ Author's Note ~

Thank you for supporting the marvelous WOY's universe, my dear readers! So many thanks, and cheers for those that LOOOOOOOVE Wander! ^-^

In this chapter, well, there's just lots of talking owo Maybe Reader can learn that Friendship is Magic (?)

I'll explain the thing with Wander's hat and (Name)'s backpack in another chapter, sorry ^-^' Savin'up space, less than 1299 words.

I <3 symmetry.

Enjoy nwn

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The morning was interrupted for (Name), the Star Nomad, when her walkie-talkie suddenly talked aloud.

She wanted so bad to sleep a bit more after the agitation with that monster yesterday... but she stretched her hand anyway, trying to reach out. What she didn't know is that she would grab ANOTHER thing... more especifically, her hand grabbed soft, orange fur.

"... Oops, wrong one!" she tried to move her hand away from his chest, but it suddenly was held by Wander's hand. Tightly. She blinked.

'When did I fell asleep by his side...?'


She sighed, not remembering the last exchange of words they had last night. So, she didn't have other option than stretch her other hand instead and answer "Ngh... What...?"

"Are you still sleeping?"


"Get up and get that lazy butt of yours to work NOW!!"

"What? You can let me rest for a bit! It isn't the time to get out of bed..."

"It's six o' clock already!"

"You're so grouchy... Don't you have something better to do this early?"

"I may have. But it's better to torment you!"

"Shut up! I will get up when I want... And I will go back with your... THING as soon as I get it!"


"NICE. Silence..." just as she turned to the side and closed her eyes... she opened them again when she noticed ANOTHER eyes were watching at her attently "AAAAAAAH!! Wander!? Why are you awake...?"

"Sorry! I didn't wanna scare 'cha...!" he panicked "I just woke 'p, so... heh."

"Oh no, don't tell me my yelling woke you up! I'm so sorry!"

"No, that wasn't it! I just... felt somethin' in mah chest... if 'cha get what I mean."

"Oh, sorry about that!" she wanted to retreat her hand, but when she tried to, his hand held hers even tighter. (Name) felt confused "Uh, Wander... my hand."

"Don't... Don't 'cha wanna sleep a bit more?"

"... What?"

"So! 'Cha don't wanna! I can give your hand back... if you'd like..." behaving somewhat shy, Wander let go of her hand... but then she searched for it again and held it tight.

"... No, it's fine. Let's sleep a bit more, yes? I'm tired."


As they both closed their eyes, (Name) with a relaxed face and Wander with a happy face, to drift to the land of the dreams... a voice suddenly surprised them.

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