Chapter 5 - A nice day at the fair!

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~ Author's Note ~

Thank you so much if you read this story until this far. I can assure you I put every bit of me in it n.n

In this chapter... yeah... Poor Sylvia xD

Aaaand there is part of the Reader's past. Ooooh, so she messed up with... Oh, if that's ASKING for trouble.

Enjoy nwn

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"I don't feel too well..."

"Whuzzap, Sylvia? I thought 'cha liked adrenaline 'n rollercoasters!"

"Don't misunderstand me, Wander. I always love the good thrill o' a rollercoaster, but..." Sylvia held her stomach "I dunno if this was a good idea right after drinkin' that much soda... ugh.."

~ ~ Earlier...

"Drinking contest!" shouted a purple-skinned woman with six tentacles and short, white hair "Win and get some nice prizes! Everybody can win!"

"Wander, look!" Sylvia talked to her buddy, who was eating some blue cotton candy "A soda-drinking contest!"

"Wow, look! It's all Thunder Blazz!" *inser Thunder Blazz jingles here*

"I betcha my tail I can with all those cans they've got there!"

"I know 'cha can, Syl!"

"Hello." Sylvia talked to the woman, paying with a ticket "What're the prizes?"

"It depends on how many cans you can get to drink in less time!"

"I wanna go fo' the first prize."

"Oh, a defiant Zbornak, huh? The first place gets two reservations for some new resort not too far away from here."

"Oh, that sounds nice! Those tickets are SO gonna be mine!" the competitive face on Sylvia was now showing.

"I'm cheerin' for 'cha, Syl!" Wander gave a double thumbs-up.

"Show me what you've got." synchronizing a cronometer, the woman grinned and... "You have a minute. Go!"

A can after another, passed by the blurry vision of the world in front of Sylvia's eyes before she went unconscious...

"... Uh..." the strong Zbornak suddenly, fell backwards, with a very prominent stomach.

"Cheers, 43 cans in a minute! That's three cans more the required!"

"Syl! Are 'cha ok!?" Wander began to, literally, cry over his partner's motionless body "TALK TO MEEEEE!!"

"Congratulations!" acclaimed the woman, giving Wander two white tickets with red stripes and pink edges "You deserve these! Wow, I never thought anyone would make it..."

"SYLVIA!! Tell me 'cha didn't die, I can't get another best bud better than 'cha, best buddy...!!"

"Ngh... I didn't... die, bud... But... oh, too much... Thunda' Blazz..." finally, she made it to sit up, holding her head.

"Can 'cha walk, Syl?"

"I'll be ok... Thanks fo' asking, Wand--" but just as she was rising to her feet, Wander took her hand and took off running.


~ ~ Now...

"I feel like my stomach is where my pharynx should be... 'n maybe the other way 'round."

She's my wish~ (Wander x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now