chapter 1: The day I became a stalker

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It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must also be in want of a wife (Jane Austen)

It is also a truth universally acknowledged that if you bother me before 9:30 in the morning it had better be for a good reason. However my mother didn't seem to grasp that concept.

I was sitting in our living room on the couch, drinking my hot chocolate in peace when my mother came in screaming

"You'll never believe what just happened!" She said running into the kitchen, phone in hand

"What?!" Said my little sister Lyddia excitedly, bouncing on the ottoman she was sitting on.

"Charles Bingley is moving to Netherfield house" my mother said jumping up and down like she won the lottery

"I know" my father said calmly, putting down the newspaper for the first time all morning.

"What?" My mom quieted down in her confusion

"Mr Knightley told me" he responded "He and Charles' father went to school together. He should be at the wedding tomorrow."

My mom plopped her hands at her sides "well family" she began.

I hated how she called us that. We all know we're family but sometimes I'd rather not be reminded.

She continued "You all need to make a fantastic first impression tommorow. I hear he is single" she said slyly while raising her eyebrow. Her eyes switching in between me and my older sister Jane

"I have no interest mom" I said looking down at my mug.

"You and your sister are two young, lovely, interesting girls. You are college age. I expect you two to begin to expand your friendship circles"

"Whatever mom" I passed

"I think you should see what kind of impression you need to make" my mother said walking over to where I was sitting.

"No mom, I'm not stalking someone just because you want me or Jane to be a trophy wife" she then slipped me a couple twentiee

"Ugh fine" I mumbled.  Look I'm broke, I need all the help I can get.

I went upstairs to my room to get ready. Although it wasn't like I was going far. Netherfield was literally like a mile or so away from our neighborhood.

I got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. I was about to go to the bathroom I shared with Lyddia, to attempt to tame my hair when I heard music. When I opened the door there Lyddia was sitting on the counter putting on copious amounts of makeup that would make even a drag queen shook. Then I realized that she was using my makeup. I never wore it, but still it was mine. I walked over and grabbed the mascara wand out of Lyddia's hand

"Get your own crap" I yelled
"Come on Ellie you don't even wear it"
"It says EB on it, it's mine." I said grabbing the actual bottle out of her other hand.

"Can you two not argue for once" said my sister Jane coming into the room.

Jane was literal perfection. She was tall and had Carmel colored hair. It was wavy like mine but she knew how to control it, unlike me. She also saw the good in everyone and wouldn't even kill a bug if it stung her. She had never struggled in the boyfriend department either. However they always ended the same, either they weren't ready or they just didn't like each other. Every time though, it was friendly and mutual. I had yet to see the day where Jane Bennett did something imperfect

"Ellie seems to think now is the time to actually try to make her face look better" Lyddia said getting off the counter.

"Do not" I hollered back
"Both of you calm down. Lyddia stop touching Ellie's stuff and Ellie leave Lyddia alone. Also, let me do your hair, you look like a lion" Jane said sweetly. She wasn't being insulting because I wholeheartedly agreed.

We walked back into my room and sat on my window seat. That was our spot. I sat on the ground while she began running her fingers through my brown hair.

"I can't believe you took mom's bribe" she said
"Neither can I" I sighed "but Lottie says the bookshop is getting a new shipment in soon so I need all the money I can get."

"Don't you have enough books" Jane said laughing softly

"Never" I said faux gasping"

"You know I wonder what he looks like?" She said working slower

"What?" I turned around to look at my sister

"Charles, I mean he just sounds like a handsome person" another thing about Jane was that she was dictionary definition of a hopeless romantic.

"Come with me then" I really didn't want to be a paid stalker alone

"I want to come!" I heard Lyddia shout from the bathroom

"No Lyddia" Jane said calmly "you heard mom and dad. He's college age, much too old for you"

Lyddia had this tendency to be a bit of a slut sometimes, well a lot of the time actually.

"I'll come with you then I guess" Jane said finishing my bun. How did she do that?

Jane and I walked downstairs to go before mom could catch us. We walked through the garage to the truck that was technically Jane's but I used it more often.

We drove quickly out of our neighborhood to the mansion and parked on the opposite side of the street in order to be inconspicuous.

Netherfield was truly amazing. It was a white house with bits of stone here and there and a massive wooden door. My favorite part was the fact that so many trees littered the yard. It made the place look like a hidden castle.

Soon a gray Audi pulled up. Then a beautiful girl with black hair walked to the door and quickly vanished inside. Then we saw him walk out of the car. Charles Bingley. He was taller but not a giant. He had curly brown hair that was super dark. And he was fit. I looked at Jane and she was in awe of the beautiful creation.

"Close your mouth Jane, you might catch flies" I said giggling

"Oh shut up" she said playfully punching me "Ellie look"

I looked and rolled down the window slightly to see if we could hear anything

"Well here we are Darcy, welcome to Netherfield"

We couldn't see who Charles was talking to but we could only hear his voice

"More like a swamp. I haven't passed a house yet that seems tasteful" said the voice

"Come on bud, don't be like that." Charles said opening the trunk of the car "it's just different, secluded"

"Horrible" soon enough we had a face to go with the voice as he helped Charles unload the car

"Come on Darcy. This will be great. I have a feeling mother and father didn't pick the place out for nothing." Charles said enthusiastically

Darcy was unique. I disliked his appearance but found it intriguing at the same time. He was once again tall but not too tall. He had blonde hair and what I could tell light eyes. He was built but only had lean muscle. However he had an air about him, like he was better than everyone else and that, I personally cannot stand one bit.

"Now who's staring" I heard Jane whisper. I turned to my sister

"He seems prideful and arrogant. You can have Charles but I'm fine being-"

Jane was smiling. "Turn around she mouthed

They were right behind me weren't they.

Hey y'all I'm Elizabeth, or E or Ellie. I am a huge, girl meets world, sound of music, Harry Potter and Jane Austen fan. Pride and prejudice is my favorite. I write this a while ago and thought why not try this. I hope y'all enjoy. If you have any suggestions I'm open

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Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now