Chapter 19: the day i got a new perspective

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It was the last thing I needed! It was my last day with Lottie and I hadn't seen her all day. She had come in late last night and at that moment I realized I hadn't said bye to Fitz or Anna either.

After a brief amount of contemplation it seemed obvious I couldn't tell anyone about the park incident. I'd never hear the end of it. I was so confused and I knew the only person who could help me was Jane. I reached for my phone and noticed a text from Darcy...well that for me.

Out of rage I opened it to see what he possibly had to say. I was so tired I pondered over leaving it closed. It was 2:00 am and I had been drifiting in and put of sleep for hours. I decided I should just do it. It was a freaking link to a document...a full bloody letter?!


Dear Ellie, it read, This document serves one purpose and one purpose only, to clear the two charges you have held against me. I managed to sit up in the bed. I was curious on how he might defend his stupid actions.
Jack Wickham's father and father we're best friends. They went to college and became inseparable. So naturally he became very close to the family. Once his father died, when I was a young teenager, my father took him in and raised him as his own son. So that is why he tells everyone he has siblings, because of me and Georgie. Thus when my father passed away later on, he was mentioned in the will and of course was left a large sum of money. Jack however had no interest in waiting for the money and demanded it early. I gave him the money reluctantly as I was the only one of age who could touch it. Jack of course, gambled it away within weeks. He came back later and demanded more money. I refused not only because I had given him his share already but because he had been so irresponsible, I didn't want to create a pattern and lose even more.
I paused. That didn't seem like Jack, but I didn't know who to believe

Last year he came back to visit us. He and Georgie, who was 15, grew close again. They were always together and at first I didn't think of it, as long as I didn't have to face him, I was fine. One night I came home to my sister drugged on the bed. I was mortified. Obviously you can guess what had almost happened but Jack had fled. Don't worry though it didn't actually happen, thank God
How did he know I would worry? Jack, eating someone? That is not the man I know, or maybe I didn't know the real man.

When she came back into her clear state of mind she was beside herself. She knew as well as I that she was getting money from the will and that was a motive for Jack's actions. I wanted to kill him. Georgie would just cry thinking about it. I remember holding her afterwards. The shaking little body of my baby sister. From them on we have avoided contact with him. Now he spends his days hopping from casino to casino trying to get anything and anyone he can get his hands on. He claims he is a good person with a "rough life"

I mean it added up. The constant leaving, me always having to pay. He didn't have a grandfather. Everything was making sense. Every hole in his stories was sticking out like a sore thumb. And poor poor Georgie, how disgusting.

Now, Jane and Charles. I know it looks shallow and ridiculous to you. However I did it all for Charles. The last thing I wanted was for him to build up false hope. I truly did not understand-

"Ellie" Lottie came in quietly. I immediately dropped my phone on my bed. "do you feel alright?" She was concerned

"Yeah, just tired that's all" I quickly responded

"Oh well sleep well" she added leaving the room again. I picked up my phone and began reading again.

I truly did not understand or see Jane's feelings. Otherwise I would never have done anything to hurt you or her so badly.
I truly apologize for of my actions
   -William Darcy

I brought my hands to my face. This changed everything. I could truly tell no one of this, not even Jane. This was all my fault, I'm just terrible with people and relationships. However I probably wouldn't see Darcy again in a long time so I just would have to let it go. But I felt so guilty everything I said and did..

I guess if you look at it differently people can change that quickly after all like Darcy....or me

Wow I'm dramatic, so there's the tea y'all. This chapter is kinda short but I wanted a whole separate one just for the letter. This next chapter is kinda up in the air. Its like an awkward filler that's super short. I might just have a baby chapter. Also we're winding down, but this last bit is gonna be fun. I've finished the story and have since before I published it but I tweek things here and there..I hope you enjoy..thx 💜💛💜💛 -eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now