chapter 11: the day of the party

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Soon the day of the party came. We were allowed to bring a plus one so since I have no love life I asked Lottie.
  In the afternoon Jane was doing my hair when Lyddia came in screaming

"OMG! Guys, guess who Beth just told me is coming to the party?!"

"Who?" Said Jane wrapping my hair around the curling iron once again

"Jack Wickham!" She squealed. I almost threw up in my mouth "Ellie, now's your chance, you look hot, for once, and he will too. Come on" Lyddia pleaded

"I think we're better off being friends and right now I'm enjoying the single life, but I'm sure I'll talk to him"

"Ugh you're no fun" she trudged off.

"Done" Jane said proudly. She made my waves prettier and did my makeup a little and Lyddia let me borrow her shoes in exchange for using my makeup for a week.
  I put on my dress. It was a two piece the top came up to my neck and was a deep maroon that had short sleeves. The skirt had maroon florals all over in and was flowy and short.

"Ellie you look beautiful" Jane said admiring her work.

"I feel different" I said quietly "it's bittersweet, wait where are my glasses?"

"Oh here" she reached down on the vanity and handed them to me. I immediately felt better. My nerd glasses, as I called them, made me feel complete.

  Charles came by to pick up Jane. Mom and dad took Lyddia and drove on their own. I took the truck to pick up Lottie. I knocked on their red door

"Oh my gosh you look so good" she exclaimed while hugging me. Mrs Lucas and Lottie's little sister, Maria came down.

"You do too" I said. Lottie had her long blonde hair in an elaborate ponytail. She was wearing a white dress with long sleeves that flared at the end.

"Well, we should go. Bye Mom" she skipped off to the truck. I turned around to follow when I heard


"Yes Mrs Lucas"

"Say hi to Darcy for me" my mouth fell open

"How do y-"

"Lottie told me who was hosting, I hope he notices how good you look, well goodnight" and she shut the door gently.

  When I got to the party I was greeted by Rick Collins...yay.

"Elizabeth" he said approaching me awkwardly

"Oh you can call me Ellie" I said taking off me jacket

"Oh no, Mrs DeBourgh says nicknames are very unprofessional. Besides, Elizabeth is a very distinguished name."

"" I mumbled.

I walked into the party. It looked nothing like Netherfield. The inside was full of lights and sleek looking people. Most obviously professionals I felt out of place a bit. Inside the DJ had a modern booth and in the middle was a dance floor that was so shiny it was like looking in a mirror. Outside and in fairy lights dotted everything and it gave me the feeling of like I was inside a garden full of chess pieces. I soon however found what I was looking for


"Jack" I ran up and hugged Jack. Sorry Rick but, come on.

"How are you" he said

"I've been great, turns out I've been here alot"

"What?" He said dumbfounded

"Yeah Jane is dating Charles"

"That's crazy" he laughed

"I know"

"So are you still a single Pringle or did you find someone" he asked. I wish he hadn't

"Nope I'm enjoying the present for now. Careers, self improvement, all the cliches"

"Well good for you" he smiled, genuinely

"Well excuse me but Lyddia is already flirting" I lied. I wanted to escape the awkwardness of that. Even though she probably was.
  I met up with Lottie "hey do you wanna dance?" I asked

"Sorry but I've been asked" she said grabbing a random guy's hand and walking out onto the dance floor.
  Just then it switched to a slow song, Jack and i's old song. I walked outside to the balcony overlooking the yard. It was hard hearing it again. I walked back inside though ready to accept it when I saw him dancing with someone else. I was about to walk out again when I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Dance?" was Rick. I didn't say anything. I asked why me in my head and dealt with it. I'm pretty sure from my face you could tell I was miserable. The song was halfway through and felt like it should have been over hours ago. Then I heard

"Can I cut in?" Rick immediately seemed offended and walked off. I turned to see who it was and "Darcy?" I said

"May I have this dance" I once again reluctantly obliged placing my hands on his shoulders. He actually looked pretty good but I wouldn't let him know. That would build up his ego more than it already was

"Thanks" I said after a while. He didn't say anything, he just looked me in the eyes "your turn" I added

"I beg your pardon?" He shook out of his thought

"You could talk about the number of couples in the room or the song playing" I suggested

"I think this song is kind of a drag" he said. It was my old song and I wasn't even dancing with Jack. It felt wrong dancing with him. Maybe not wrong, but, different.
  Soon another song started playing I liked, but Darcy didn't budge. I looked for Lottie in the crowd but now she was dancing with, Rick..hmm surprising.
  After some more awkward silence Jack walked up

"Hey, Ellie do you wanna da-Darcy!" He seemed shocked. We immediately let go of each other

"Jack" Darcy said staring him down.

Jack continued "I didn't know you were here" he said trying to shake Darcy's hand

"And I didn't know we let pigs in" Darcy added lifting his eyebrow. Jack sighed and Darcy clenched his fists. I stood there in utter shock

"Get out" Darcy said low, taking a step toward Jack. His blue eyes trying to invade Jack's brown ones

"I'm here for Ellie" Jack said grabbing my arm

"Don't touch her and get out" Darcy added. He pushed Jack slightly and won.

I decided then I should go home

Hey y' TEA! Yes I know it's really overdramatic but oh well. So that's the ball so like I said kinda long. I really worked on this chapter to try and make it good. I hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will probably be the back story and some more awkward Rick moments. At this point I have no idea how long this story will be. We're not even half way through and I might add some more details in later chapters. Anyways I hope you enjoyed 💛💜💛💜-eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now