chapter 13: the day i realized things change

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The next day Mrs Lucas had let me off work early because it was Tuesday, and Tuesdays were always super slow. Also, Lottie had forgotten to do something so taking my shift was her punishment.
  I was driving the truck, jamming out to some Dolly Parton when I headed to pick up Jane, she was crying.

"Get in" I said. She climbed in wiping her eyes

"What's wrong?" I said pulling over and wrapping my arms around her.

"He's gone Ellie, back home, all of them, Caroline told me..he didn't want to say g..g.. goodbye"

She sniffed a bit. Jane wasn't super emotional when it came to this kind of thing so the fact that she was crying was shocked. The only other time i had seen her this upset about a boy was when she was a junior and her boyfriend Elijah cheated on her. Even then she only watched Netflix, not a tear was shed.

"..then because I broke down at work, Mr. Lennox fired me!" I mean in all honesty I was kind of happy. Her job sucked.

I sat with my arms around her for a while then drove us home. By the end of the night dad had suggested she go into the city for a while and see how she liked it. She could stay with cousin Mary's parents, aunt and uncle Phillips, and she could get her mind off of things and perhaps get a new job she loved.

By 10:00 the next morning she was gone. So much had happened in so little time. I had to tell Lottie immediately and rushed to the bookshop.

"Lottie, Lottie?" I said running to the back of the shop.

"Oh Ellie" she said solemnly. She had her hair up in a ponytail and was sorting through some books.

I stopped everything. Rule number one of friendship with Ellie Bennett, I will always put my friends before myself even at the cost of my happiness and feelings.

"Lottie is everything alright?" I said reaching for her hand

"Ellie I have to tell you something" she said looking down "I'm getting an apartment"

"That's great. Why are you upset" for as long as I've known her Lottie couldn't wait to get out. She had an older brother named Marcus, there was Maria and then middle school twins, Henry and Clara. She told her mom when the twins were born that she would move out that day.

"It's a building" she stutters

"Well no dip sherlock" I said

"And...Rick came in the other day and offered me a job"

"What?!" I stood up and began pacing around the room "are you insane Lottie? I thought you wanted to invent things and make a life for yourself. Not settle for some boring office job!"

"Ellie I can't do that, with the twins and Maria to put through school I have to help somehow." She was beginning to cry.

"No you don't, you can help without settling and besides Rick is a jerk"

"He's actually really nice Ellie, and who knows I may be really great at this job. I'm not settling, I'm doing what's best for my family. Maybe that's something you should try instead of always thinking about yourself. Anyways whether you like or not I'm leaving the day after tomorrow" she stormed out.

When I got back home I didn't even walk into the house. I walked back to my pond. This time I sat at the edge of the water, throwing in small pebbles that made time ripples. I was just trying to be a good friend. I was trying to finally block out the negatives and enjoy life but now this. I had no one. No supportive mother, no sister, no best friend...not even a rival.

Not that I missed Darcy or Caroline's company anyway.

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now