Chapter 24

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Later that night I got a text from Georgie who asked if I wanted to hang out the next day. I knew this was supposed to be a family vacation but my aunt and uncle understood

It was just me Darcy and Georgie, charlie couldn't make it.

We spent the day going around town. They would lead me around fighting secretly over who led the way.
  In the afternoon we were walking around and Georgie then pulled me (literally, she's actually kinda strong) into a vintage/thrift shop.
"Let's go in here" I could tell she was a Tumblr girl in her own way.

She sped to the back immediately and began sorting through racks (she and Lyddia need to get together)

After a while of looking I came across a tower full of sunglasses. I picked up a pair of aviators and put them on. I looked in the mirror. I looked so horrendous that I actually laughed out loud

Darcy came over and said "what's so funny"

"I feel like I belong on csi" I could barely hold back laughing

"Let me see" he said looking for silly glasses. He found a pair of gaudy red cateyes and put them on

"I feel like Caroline" he said

"Now you just need to complain about how 'your super awesome party is going to be ruined' I said with a high voice

We both laughed. As the time went on we found ourselves making lots of jokes over how ridiculous some of the stuff in the shop was. I was wearing a Hawaiian dad shirt and the red glasses with a fadora. Darcy was sporting a multicolored patched coat, a fez, square glasses and was throwing a pink boa around his neck. We were both laughing at how stupid we we're being. After that Georgie came up

"Honestly you two, I can hear you on the other side of the store. Can't take you anywhere" she sighed and flipped her hair.

I bit my lip as she walked out the door. The second the bell above it rang Darcy and I spit out laughter.

That evening I was texting Georgie while my aunt and I were in the grocery store getting some stuff for dinner. She was putting some pastries in the cart when she looked over and saw me

"Are you texting will?" She asked slyly.

"No it's his sister" I said bluntly

"Oh well that's disappointing" she said dryly

"What's the supposed to mean?" I asked putting my phone down

"I thought that maybe since you two were getting along so much better now that you would be-"

"Ugh, ew, no Aunt Marge" I defended, to which she smiled and winked

A couple days later Georgie asked if I wanted to come to her house. We had hung out every day and each day was something new. We went all around the city and one day we went to an art museum. Darcy and I had gotten so engrossed in our conversation that we hardly realized we had moved on without his sister.. unfortunately she noticed.

I was sitting in the hotel room and my uncle was on his phone

"Georgie asked if I wanted to come over today" I said

"I thought this was supposed to be a family vacation?" My uncle looked up

"Oh for heaven's sakes let the child go" my aunt said walking out of the bathroom with a towel on her head.

An hour later I was at Pemberly. Mrs. Rainer led me out to the back patio that overlooked the yard. Georgie was sitting at a table smiling. It was warmer than it had been but still chilly, thankfully there was a little furnace off to the side.

After a while Georgie said "I love days like this" as she took a sip out of her mug.

"I do too" I agreed. It was one of those days where the air was so crisp you could almost taste it.

"I prefer summer" Darcy said heading towards us with two mugs in his hand. He sat down between me and Georgie at the the head, while we were off to the sides.

"Here" he said handing a mug to me. By the scent I immediately knew it was hot chocolate

"How did you know" I asked confused

"I know more than I did, plus you would get it all the time from that corner cafe with Fitz." He smiled

I then became enchanted with the lake, or pond, or large pond or..body of water that was clear and sparkling

"I love the water, I wish I could have my own lake house"

"I like the beach" said Georgie " I could sir out and listen to the waves forever"

"What's your favorite place out here" I asked

"Oh it's through the main garden. It's full of fresh flowers and animals. It's like your in the secret garden" she replied " I'll show it to you" she giggled

"Great idea" I said

After walking around for a while Darcy randomly added "my favorite place is right when you get to the dock. Just sitting on the edge at night and seeing the reflection of the house in the water. Plus you hear all the bugs and things. It's quite relaxing" he began to get a far off look on his face.

Georgie ran up ahead to spy on a birds nest

"So where's your favorite place?" Darcy asked

"Uhm well, it's kinda lame" I said

"I doubt that" he added

"Well, in our neighborhood there is an abandoned trail that no one walks on. If you keep going down it you reach a decent sized pond in the middle. There are so many trees that you forget right on the other side of them are houses. It's like my safe place.
  When we were little I have a distinct memory. Lyddia was only three, I was six and Jane was eight. Me and Jane just decided to jump in without even thinking. My dad thought it was funny so he jumped in too and began throwing us in the water. My mom, who had Lyddia walked up to the edge to say 'what on Earth are you doing? Teaching our daughters to be sea urchins?' my dad just reached out his hand and pulled her in. She couldn't help but smile and all the while Lyddia stood on the edge laughing her head off. my mom put her on her shoulders and we all splashed each other. It was so fun. It was before my mom focused on marrying us off and dad was busy with work. So now I just like to go there."

I looked over at Darcy, we had also stopped walking

"I'm sorry for rambling" i laughed slightly.

"It's fine" he said as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear that had been blown. What was going on. The feeling of being hit by a train was coming again. He stepped closer, and closer...and closer until...ring ring ring ring. We snapped out of it and separated immediately

"It's Jane" I smiled

"Hey" I answered

"Lyddia is missing!" She said

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's been a hot minute 💛💜💛💜-eli

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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