Chapter 20: the day i faced the truth

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The next day I went home. It felt like I had my own life there but I was ready to get home. However, I knew once I got home I would regret it.

I just wanted everything to go back to how it was. I wanted Jane to be herself and I wanted all of this Darcy business to stop.

"Ellie!" My dad said opening the door for me with outstretched arms.

"Hi Dad" I hugged him tight

"Are you tired from your trip?" He asked

"Yeah" I said quietly

"Well why don't you go upstairs and rest"

"Thanks Dad" I said


Before I could turn around twice a month had passed. I kept myself distracted by picking up more shifts at work (and also my bank account appreciated it). Mrs Lucas was grateful for the help but more than once she had hinted that she knew something was off.

Dad was busy at work, mom was grumbling as always, Jane would call sometimes but not for more than ten minutes and Lydia had a new boy toy over every night.

I thought taking a break was supposed to be fun and exciting but so far, even at Lotties it hadn't been the best.

Fall was in full swing which meant I could wear sweaters and drink copious amounts of hot chocolate. Everyone was gearing up for Halloween, which was my favorite holiday, I did enj handing out candy. I live little kids costumes. It made me happy for a little bit

Lottie would call occasionally too, which was nice but I mean a phone can only get you so far, besides her and Rick had started dating (it was adorable) but it also meant she would call less and less

One morning right after Halloween I woke up at 2am again. I laid in my bed but I couldn't get comfy plus my mind was racing, it had been for weeks to be honest. I felt an extra pang of guilt that night for how I treated Darcy, I had "forgiven" him but he didn't know that, and probably never would. I checked my phone and after scrolling through Pinterest and realizing I wouldn't get a notification I got up.
   I grabbed my glasses off of my white nightstand and turned on the lamp. I walked over to my pajama drawer and threw everything out until I got to the bottom of the endless t-shirts. I grabbed it, that dang navy t-shirt.

I couldn't deny it, I loved that thing, it was soft and like a little secret. I put it on and felt a little better.

I knew better than to "hate" someone and he had good intentions but it was wierd. Looking back it's odd to think he cared for me, obviously I didn't know if he still did.

I walked downstairs once again to find my dad sitting in our big red chair reading a murder mystery.

"Can't sleep again Ellie?" He said using the sleeve of his book as a bookmark. That was something we had in common, we appreciated book sleeves but they were bothersome when reading.

"No" I said grinning groggily

"Sit down" he said motioning to the couch in a "I know you want to" tone
"Ellie, for the past month or so you haven't been yourself, you've moped and worked. I've hardly seen you smile, and I didn't pay for braces for nothing" he laughed a little "do you have cabin fever, do you miss being somewhere different?"

I shrugged "I guess I just don't feel like the same person after visiting Lottie"

"What do you mean? Did something happen?" He asked

"Uhm, no I just miss Jane alot I guess" that was a close one

"Well you know aunt and uncle Gardiner are coming in a couple of days. They were planning on taking Lydia on a road trip for a bit but maybe you should go instead, also I don't think Lydia cared that much."

"Maybe it would be nice to get a change of scenery but still be with family" I sighed

"It's settled then" he smiled. I began to head back through the kitchen to get upstairs again then I heard

"You really like that shirt don't you Ellie?" He said

"Yeah" I looked down and was messing with the fabric "I guess I do"

Hey y'all, sorry for the cheesy end but I had to have something. Yes I'm aware this is a major filler chapter and kinda short but the next few will be better, Ellie will actually be doing something, also I'm aware this isn't 100% book loyal but I mean it's a modern day take sooo... anyways I hope you enjoy! 💜💛💜💛💜 -eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now