Chapter 7: the day I got a new shirt

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After I got home from work my dad was in his study and my mom was in the kitchen doing who knows what.

"Hey Mom I thing I'm going to go visit Jane tommorow" she turned around and while gasping dropped the glass she was drying and it shattered. The clash made my dad emerge from his study

"What happened?" He asked

"Ellie you will do no such thing"

"But she's my sister mom. I've spent almost every day of my life with her. You heard what they said, it could be weeks. How do you expect me to go that long without seeing her?"

"Go see Lottie" she said turning back around to do her work

"She's got strep" I said putting my bag and cardigan on the island

"Then tommorow drive down to cousin Mary's and see Lyddia"she said strictly

"I don't want to see Lyddia, I want to see Jane" I begged "I need her"

"NO!" She said

"Dad!" I turned around and looked at him. I was genuinely upset. I didn't care about my mom's scheme, I wanted to see my sister. I know I sounded like a little kid but no matter what age you are you need your family.

"Dear why don't you let her visit Jane for the day. I'm sure Charles, Caroline and the other one wouldn't mind. Besides it's one day, and as Ellie pointed out it could be weeks"

My mother remained silent, my father continued "besides dear, the house is big. Ellie could stay there instead of sleeping on the couch, only if they invited you of course" my father said looking at me "and they also could have a party where a rich single heir comes to visit"

My mother's back was still turned so I mouthed to my father "really dad" after he mentioned the single heir. He just winked and grinned as if it was a master plan of his own.

"Oh alright fine you can go for the day"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said hugging my dad.

The next day I woke up and cooked some toast. I checked the weather on my phone. It said it was going to be cool and cloudy with a 20% chance of rain.
  I went upstairs and let my wavy hair down even though I knew it would be frizzy. I put on a flowy shirt, some jeans and my trusty Converse. I of course grabbed my cardigan and walked downstairs. It was Saturday which meant I could stay as long as I wanted

"Bye dad" I yelled

"Tell Jane hi for me sweetie and don't get in trouble"

I grabbed my phone and began to look for the keys to the truck. That's when it dawned on me that Jane had them as well as the truck. Oh well, I like to walk and Netherfield was just outside of the neighborhood. I was about half way up my street and about to turn on the main road and it began to pour.

"Crap" I said to no one. I kept walking, I didn't care. My hair was doomed but at least I didn't spend hours on it. I walked the rest of the way there. Right before I got up to the house I stepped into a puddle of mud. Now I was just great, those were my favorite shoes.
  I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. I hoped Charles didn't mind. I didn't tell Jane because I wanted to surprise her. The only thing surprising was who opened the door.
Darcy snorted.

"It's not funny" I said sternly "now let me in. I'm here to see Jane, not you"

"We don't allow wet rats in" he said smiling sinisterly

"Move it" I said pushing past his arm blocking the door. He was pretty fit for a nerdy rich dude. Then I realized he was in sweatpants and as I walked in further I saw Caroline was too. I mean I know they're human but I at least thought they would be wearing Gucci t-shirts or something.

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now