Chapter 8: the day I regret getting up

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After about a week and my mother thanking Charles about a gazillion times, I was finally settled at Netherfield. Caroline was sweet but only sometimes. She seemed like she could be a very nice person, if you were on her good side. If you weren't however, then...well you can guess.

That Friday we were all in the living room. Jane and Charles were on one couch, Caroline was in one of the chairs perpendicular to them and Darcy and I were on a couch as well. However, unlike Jane and Charles we were on opposite sides and we both had our noses buried in a book. I can understand why Caroline followed h all day, the thing was Darcy was doing everything he could to avoid her. 'I think she likes him'  I thought. Knowing him though, he's probably promised to a Parisian heiress or something.

"Jane, Lyddia is FaceTimeing!" I said sliding on on the other side of her on the couch.

"Hey girly pops" she said loudly

"Hi Lyddia" Jane said sweetly

"So I hear y'all are at Netherfield"

"Yep" I said looking around. I still couldn't believe it myself.

"Have you thrown a huge mansion party yet?" Lyddia asked intentionally

"No"  Charles said leaning in so he was in view

"Well your house is great for one" Lyddia hinted. Even when she's not in the room with you she reminds you she's there

"Hmm..I'll think about it" he said smiling

"Cousin Mary and Paul have been so great and their kitty is precious"

"That's adorable" I cooed as Lyddia held up a calico cat to the camera

"So Jane" Lyddia said becoming more sinister "you and Charles

"Not now lyd" I said through gritted teeth as both Jane and Charles blushed.

"Well I'll talk to you both soon. Say hi to Mom and Dad"

"Bye Lyddia" Jane said. We both did genuinely miss Lyddia no matter how much we hated admitting it. She's our little sister after all, besides it's much too quiet without her.

"That's a good idea Charles" said Caroline, still glued to her phone

"What?" He said yawning and pulling Jane closer (how adorable)

"Throwing a party with all of our friends, and new ones" she added looking at Jane.

"You're right, besides it's summer so our friends from back home can come too"

"Exactly" Caroline said finally looking up "we could have a ball"

"Umm no" Charles said

"Well can it at least be high class?" Charles didn't answer. Caroline was fake pouting so he looked at Jane as if looking for approval. Her eyes met his and then he said "okay Caroline, it can be fancy, but no orchestra and no alcohol" he said pointing his finger

"Deal!" She squealed "I should tell Chelsea and Victoria" and with that she ran up the stairs and wasn't seen again

"We'll wait until your house is done. That way all of you can come for sure" he said this probably thinking about Lyddia

"Well goodnight" Darcy said setting his book down and stretching. I retreated back to my spot on the couch he was leaving from. Jane and Charles were talking and I said it quietly enough so only he could hear it "goodnight Dr. Phil" I smirked. He looked back at me with a straight face that said 'really?'. But I could've sworn I saw him chuckle as he walked up the stairs.

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now