Chapter 22: a day i didn't regret

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"it's been a while" he muttered

"Yeah" I said looking at the ground, then the sky, then everywhere but in front of me

"So, uh, how have you been?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets

"Umm..I've been better, but, uh,  visiting with my aunt and uncle, they told us you were gone an-"

"It's fine I came back early, anyway"

"Anyway" I sighed

"Would you like to stay for dinner? Your more than wel-" he said

" No, uh, we already made plans at another place" which was a total like. He looked at his feet and I did the same

"Well would you like to go back inside" he smirked and motioned to the door. I nodded in agreement
We walked in together and he held the door for me.

"Mr Darcy! We weren't expecting you back so soon" Mrs. Rainer exclaimed

"Yes, well the business meeting was shorter than anticipated" he said shrugging

Before I knew it Darcy and my uncle had hit it off. We were already invited back later on in the week. They were going to go fishing and my aunt could make herself at home in the mansion.

Before we left my aunt, uncle and Mrs Rainer were talking by the door when Darcy turned to me

"Hey when you come on Saturday there's someone who wants to meet you."

"Who?" I asked

"My little sister, Georgie, and I understand she's only 16 but yo-"

I would be honored to meet her" I smiled. I genuinely wanted to. She sounded sweet and like she could use someone besides a big brother.

"Really" he grinned like a Cheshire cat

"Yeah" I responded

"See you then" he said smiling

"Well bye" I gave him a small wave then walked out the door.

That night I got a text from Darcy. He said that Charles was in the area and thought maybe the four of us could go out to lunch. I agreed and I couldn't help but wonder if that was the right decision

About noon I arrived at the cafe we agreed on and walked in to find Charlie sitting at a booth. He saw me and got up. I met him and he gave me a classic Charlie bear hug

"Ellie, it's so good to see you" he said sitting back down across from me

"You too, it's been so long" I returned

"Too long" he sighed

"You left so quickly for Springfield" I knew had to bring Jane up sometime, I figure when we're alone was best.

"Yeah that was a douche move" he said

"It's fine, the first step is admitting you have a problem" I giggled trying to lighten the mood "also I know you got advice from Darcy and Caroline"

"Oh yeah, they told me I could just escape it. Looking back I realize I was running away from my feelings

"I'm surprised you haven't run into Jane in Springfield" 

"She's there?" He seemed confused yet overjoyed

"Well..yeah" I said in an uh-duh manner

"I had no clue, Caroline told me she never wanted to see me again" he said, the realization hitting him

"No, she really cared about you Charlie" I reached out and took his clenched hand

Just then I saw Georgie and Darcy walk in. For some reason I was a little ancey. Although Georgie seemed like me. She had on a big sweater but hers was a deep red while mine Was mustard yellow.

"Sorry we're late guys. Someone over here couldn't decide what to wear," Darcy said glancing at his sister

"No worries sit down" Charlie said

"Oh Ellie, it's so great to meet you! Will has told me so much about you already"

"Oh well thanks" I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Georgie gave Darcy a knowing look which i ignored.

She smiled sitting across from me and I sat next to Darcy

"Will, doesn't this remind you of the place we used to get hot soup at every time it rained with Mom and Dad?" Georgie looked around

"Yeah" he said becoming nostalgic

Maybe I didn't regret this decision

Hey y'all. Soo sorry for the shorter chapter. Trust me I'm saving a long chapter for cute stuff which is next. Also I hope you enjoy the story. 💜💛💜💛💜💛 -eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now