Chapter 5: The day i became homeless

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  For the next month I lied to myself. We were at Netherfield all the time for dinner and Charles, Darcy and Caroline were always over at my house for lunch. In between this Jane and Charles, or Charlie as she preferred to call him, were always texting. I was happy, well more like extatic, for Jane. She's had boyfriends in the past but none like this. It was different. For a senior in college, I was impressed.
  Jane was a senior studying to become a counselor which meant she had a little bit longer. Not to mention she had to take a gap year between highschool when our finances weren't the best.
  Charles on the other hand had even more school because, hello medical school. If they made it through that then I'd better be a maid of honor if you know what I mean.
  Jane told me she was happy she was with Charles and I congratulated her. She them proceeded to tell me that I'm next, but I told her I still needed time

  I had a boyfriend last year, Jack Wickham. He was great and we were actually pretty serious. I was so happy with him, but one day he said he couldn't do it anymore. He was going to move a couple hours away to take care of his sick grandfather. I had to sympathize with him. I would have done the same thing. I was still in love with him though. We had remained in touch. We texted a bit and he still managed to give me butterflies. He was much taller than me. He had dirty blonde hair and a six pack like no other, and dark brown eyes. He was basically, I don't know, super hot!
  Maybe all of this is why I don't show an interest in guys anymore. I'm still sorting things out from the last one. Of course the only person who knows any of this is Jane.

  One day Jane and I had gone out to lunch to celebrate the fact we had survived another week of adulthood. We pulled into our house and opened the front door to find my mother on her hands and knees right in front of us.

"Um mom, what are you doing?" I asked

"Oh nothing, why don't you go get your sister. I think we need to have a family meeting"

Jane and I walked up the stairs, set our stuff down and both of us were wierded out.

"Lyd" I yelled "mom wants us downstairs now"

A couple seconds later the door opened to Lyddia in PJs with a pore strip on her nose.

"Why?" She sassed

"Because she said so. Has she been off all morning?"

"How should I know? Last time I saw her she was in Jane's room" she said shutting the door behind her.

"She was probably just looking for something" Jane chimed in

"I don't know" I said suspicious

We walked downstairs into the family room. My dad was putting his lunch plate in the dishwasher and my mom was texting away.

"Oh girls there you are" my mom looked up "sit down" she motioned to the couch. Lyddia ran but Jane and I stopped to see our dad first.
  Most of the time he was gone before we woke up. He never complained though. However once he confessed he was tired, one of the perks of being the favorite of my dad.

Jane and I sat on the couch facing my Kik while Lyddia sat on the ottoman as usual.

"Girls, I'm afraid I have some bad news"

"Did someone die?" I ask semi worried

"No, the house needs to be fumigated"

"What?!" Lyddia squealed standing up

"But since it's the upstairs in your rooms and in the basement we have had to make some arrangements. The fumigation process will take a couple of weeks"

"No way, you're not kicking us out" I interrupted

"Of course not Ellie, you all have a place to stay" my father added calmly

"Your father is right girls, Lyddia you will go to cousin Mary-"

"Why can't we all just go to cousin Mary's?" I once again interrupted

"Because her apartment is to small for an extra three people but one can't hurt. Oh and Jane, Charles called while you were gone. I explained the situation to him and he said that you are more than welcome to stay at Netherfield"

"How kind" Jane said looking at her hands to hide her blush.

"And we'll, Ellie you're just gonna sleep here on the couch" my mom said dryly. You can tell who I'm not the favorite of.

"Why can't Ellie just stay with me at Netherfield?" Asked Jane sympathetically

"Because that would be too intrusive" my mother said plainly

Ha, the only reason is because she wants Jane and Charles together, alone. I would ruin the master plan. Fine by me but I wasn't looking forward to sleeping on the couch.

"It's settled then girls. Lyddia, Jane hurry up and pack, and Elizabeth, go help them"

Don't get me wrong I was happy for Jane and Lyddia lived cousin Mary but I couldn't help but feel left out.

"Ellie you are welcome any time I bet. Once I explain everything to Charlie I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you came by everyday. Plus you're Caroline's age. You two might become good friends"

"Highly doubtful, but I will come visit you" I said

"Thanks" Jane said zipping her suitcase.

Oh the joys of being my mother's daughter.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to try to upload again today. I promise this next chapter has some cute Ellie and Darcy moments that will be important as the book goes on. Welp that's all of this chapter folks.

Love y'all 💜💛💜💛💜💛-Eli

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