Chapter 17: the day I believed in fairy tales

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After the dinner I went to the apartment and sat on my bed in Lotties guest room. I was thinking about how I was going to leave soon

"Fitz just called and invited us to lunch tommorow with Anna" Lottie yelled into the room.

That wasn't my first thought. I would be leaving on Tuesday and tommorow was Sunday. I also couldn't believe how little I had heard from Jane besides small talk. I wanted to know if she had run into Charles or Caroline, but she always seemed too busy to have a good conversation.

"Crap! I don't have anything for breakfast Ellie" Lottie once again yelled. I pulled my sweatshirt past my hands and clenched the sleeves. I then joined her in the kitchen.

"I'll get some frozen waffles or something from the store, I'll be right back" she threw her hair up in a bun grabbed her lanyard and shut the door.

I ran back into my room and began texting Jane. I then decided it would be better for me and the phone bill if I just emailed her. I began to type about Springfield and asked if she liked it there. About 15 minutes later I heard a knock at the door. My first thought was Lottie so I went and got the door. My thought was wrong

I opened the door to Will Darcy standing outside. He was wearing the same thing he wore to Mrs. DeBourghs the first time I went there. and here I was in a sweatshirt and some leggings. The only difference was his hair was a little disheveled and he looked anxious.

"Ellie" he said putting his hands in his pockets. I stepped out of the way to let him in

"Umm..can I help you?" I said sarcastically

"Uh no" he said looking at the floor then the ceiling. We stood in awkward silence for a few seconds. It is said that in every minute of awkward silence a gay baby is born, I can't imagine how many came out of this one circumstance.

"This is a charming place" he said motioning around the room

"Yeah, she and I have worked really hard" I nodded crossing my arms. I gave him a look of suspicion.

"Well I'll be going now" he said opening the door to Lottie standing there. I stood with my mouth open facing the door. Lottie got around him and closed the door and began unpacking the groceries.

"What on Earth did you do to poor Darcy?" She asked

"I have absolutely no idea" I was appalled. Lottie snorted and I walked over and smacked her arm. She then grabbed the wash rag and hit me with it. It was on. Sure we got wet but it was totally worth it.

I woke up the next morning to a text from Fitz
"Since this might be the last time I see you for a while why don't we have a picnic in the park today. Do you think you could spread the word? I'd tell Anna and Darcy of course but you should tell Lottie and Rick"

"Ok cool" I sent back. I tried to call Jane again since it was only 8:30 in the morning. The phone rang forever
"Hey Ellie" I couldn't believe she picked up

"It's great to hear from you" I said

"Oh yeah the city is great-penny shut up- sorry. I've made a lot of friends in town at my new job. It's like I'm a new person. I'm single and loving it. Oh my gosh sophie-uh sorry Ellie I gotta go bye"

"Bye" I said quietly. I tossed my phone on the white fluffy comforter. I couldn't believe her. She had changed in such a short time. No one can truly change that drastically that quickly. Can they?

I heard some fumbling around the kitchen so I hopped out of bed and went to check things out.

"Good morning Ellie" Lottie said pulling down two mugs from the cabinet "are you alright?" She said opening a drawer full of Keurig cups.

"Oh yeah it's just I talked to Jane and she seems different, like she's a new person. now she's a loud party girl instead of the down to earth hopeless romantic.

"Odd" Lottie said putting her mug under the machine

"Yeah" I said grabbing a hot chocolate cup and fiddling with it.

"Did Darcy ever text or anything? Do you have his number" I know she was trying to change the subject. Even if it was a crappy subject

"No, but Fitz gave it to me yesterday. Speaking of Fitz he suggested a of us have a picnic today at the park. He wanted me to invite you and-"

"Can Rick come?" She said perking up

"Of course he ca-uh Lottie?" I said putting the cup down and crossing my arms

"Yes" she took a step back

"Do you like Rick?" I mean I saw it coming. It's his secretary and she's excellent at her job. Plus Mrs. DeBourgh likes her quite well. Also our group had been hanging out for a while and I had noticed little things, glances, compliments, helping each other. I thought he might have a thing for her too. However, as great of a a detective I am I also knew better than to mention that. Some people claim I'm a sherlock when it comes to detecting when people like each other. The only thing is when I dated I never found a good one.

"Pssh, no your crazy" Lottie said leaning against the counter again. I raised an eyebrow and gave her a look.
"Okay maybe a little" she admitted "but I think he's nice and we work well together" she added pointing her chin up and grabbing her mug.

"Ok" I said " you better look cute today then"

"Says you" she said taking a sip out of her mug. I placed my cup under the machine

"What's that supposed to mean" I rolled my eyes

"I mean your Anne and you have a Gilbert" Lottie said

"Lottie, you know I love Anne and she and Gilbert are my OTP but I don't get the reference"

"You're Anne and you have a secret Gilbert who liked you"

"Not everything from books is real" though I totally wish it was

"I think Darcy is your Gilbert"

"Think what you want" I said grabbing my mug " but if that's so, I'm with young Anne, I'm not a Gilbert Blythe fan or a William Darcy fan" Lottie just took another sip and raised her eyebrows.

"Cut the crap Lott, he's the bane of my existence. He was put on this Earth to torture me"

"Well ok, I guess I should tell Rick to adjust the schedule"

Dun dun dun. Hey y'all sooo  double update! Both over 1000 words. Y'all know what's gonna happen next. I hope you keep enjoying the story 💛💜💛💜💛 -eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now