Chapter 6: the day i rediscovered the color blue

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The next day I went to the bookshop, alone. I felt so empty without Jane home. I even missed Lyddia. She and Jane both left late last night and the second they stepped out of the house I felt like a piece was missing. Thankfully Jane was only a little ways away, but I knew it wouldn't be the same as having her home all the time.

"Good morning Mrs. Lucas" I said as the bell above the door chimed "is Lottie in the back?"

"I'm afraid not Ellie" she said pushing her glasses up to her red hair "she's gotten pretty sick recently. Right now she's at the doctor getting tested for strep."

"What?!" I said loudly dropping my bag at the counter

"I know dear, but you know how things are. Sickness just pops up randomly. It will be a while before she comes back to work"

"Well, I guess I'll get to work" I sighed and walked to the back

Later that afternoon, I was sorting books. I was so bored. The shop had been fairly quiet all day and with Lottie gone it was even worse. Sure I had Mrs. Lucas, but even she sometimes gets a little, well, meh.
I was pushing a cart full of books down and aisle. I grabbed a tall stack to put on the correct shelves. As I was turning around to shelf I bumped into someone and dropped every single book. Leave it to me to be clumsy.

"Sorry" I began "you don't have to help" I said as the person I bumped into was leaning down. "I'm such a mess" I whispered mostly to myself. Then I looked up...

Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap. Why me? Like seriously! Leave it to Ellie to embarrass herself in front of her rival.

He looked up at the same time I did and we locked. I never noticed how bright his eyes were. He took the books from me and put them on the cart then he helped me up. Was he being nice?

"Maybe if you paid attention you wouldn't be as apt to drop things" he said cooly. Well so much for the being nice part

"What do you want?" I said crossing my arms "should I get a book with lots of pictures"

"Actually" he said resting against the shelf "I was looking for some books on philosophy"

"Follow me" I growled. Couldn't he have gone to the library, or at least Books-A-Million?

"Here" I said pointing down an aisle a little ways from where we started.

"Ah yes" he said reaching for the first book "Dr. Phil"

"Why are you being so difficult?"

"Just reminding you, your sister is at my house"

"It's Charles' house" I said walking to the end of the aisle which was toward the front of the store.

"Actually we share it so it's mine too" he said proudly

"Whatever, here you are" I said. I began to walk around the corner at the front of the store when I peeped back and said "don't worry they all have pretty small words" I smirked then walked around to my cart.

I had finished sorting a section when I was about to go to another I saw Darcy go to the counter. I saw him tell Mrs Lucas "maybe if your employee spent more time helping customers instead of annoying them, you might sell more books."

"Never a dull day" she responded hiding a laugh

"Well, have a good day" he said leaving her a tip

That is so wierd

"What did you do to that guy who came in here earlier and bought a book by Dr. Phil?" Mrs Lucas asked.

I couldn't help but chuckle. The thought of Darcy reading Dr. Phil was pretty amusing. "He just wanted some books, that's all, I said gathering myself again

"Are you sure that's all he wanted?" She said walking to me

"Yeah, I guess,I don't keep tabs on him all the time"

"So you know him?" She said packing her purse

"Unfortunately" I said locking the door

"Really, is he uneducated?" She said looking up at me and stopping what she was doing

"No apparently he's 'super intelligent'" I air quoted

"Well even if he wasn't I'd assume he could read"

"What do you mean" I said putting on my cardigan

"I mean he came in for Dr. Phil and walked to the gardening section where you were organizing. I'm just saying each aisle is labeled"

"And what are you implying?" I said grabbing my crossbody bag

"I don't think he came here for books" she said putting her bag on

"You're right Mrs Lucas, he came to embarrass me and remind me that Jane is staying at his house"

"That's right. Your house is being fumigated" she said patting the counter. I nodded

"Either way that guy, Darcy, is a rival not a friend. We don't talk except in insults and try to avoid each other at all costs"

"Mhm" she said opening the door for me. "Well at least he picked up those books for you. Well, have a good day Ellie" she said getting in her car

"Bye" I waved

Mrs. Lucas..I love you, but you are crazy

Hey y'all two updates in one day! I just couldn't wait to upload this chapter. I've rewritten it so many times and I might go and change it who knows? Anyways I hope you enjoyed. Stuff in this chapter will be important later in the book. Also how do y'all like Mrs. Lucas. She's one of my favorite characters. 💜💛💜💛💜💛-Eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now