chapter 9: the day i couldn't sleep

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Later that afternoon Jane and Charles came home. I was sitting in Jane's room while she was taking down her hair.

"So how was your picnic?" I asked smirking and playing with the design on the bed

"Wonderful Ellie, I only wish that you could find someone as good as him" she said joining me on the bed

"Not my focus, my focus is living life and getting my degree. I want to help others not myself"

"Ellie you have to take care of yourself too. How do you plan on helping children grow if you can't yourself?"

"You can help people without helping yourself" I said "look at tv, Oprah and pretty much any pbs show ever have people who help others without something in return"

"Oprah is also one of the richest people alive. I'm pretty sure she allows herself pleasure. Besides you deserve happiness and rewards. Speaking of tv did you see Darcy had a Dr. Phil book?" Jane giggled, I joined in.

"Yeah apparently he finds him intriguing"I laughed

"Did I hear you correct the other night when you called him Dr Phil? Are you not telling me something?" Jane said smirking

I recounted the events of the bookshop and the conversation with Mrs Lucas.

Jane sighed then said "I'm with Mrs Lucas on this one Ellie"

"What!" I exclaimed "he totally embarrassed me and used you as an excuse an-"

"All I'm saying is that maybe you're too hard on him. Yeah he insulted you but he made you laugh and helped clean up"

"Pfft" was my only response

"Just try for me and Charlie ok?"

"Ok" I dryly replied

After another week we got the call from my father that the fumigation had been done days ago and my mother was trying to keep us at Netherfield. So Jane and I said goodbye to the rich life and left. Which also meant that Charles started planning the party

It felt wierd but good to be in my own bed but I couldn't sleep. I turned on the lamp at my desk and began to unpack. After a bit all I had left was pajamas. When I was sorting my t-shirts I found a soft Navy blue one, I looked at the Calvin Klein tag. "Crap" I whispered. I needed to return it but it was a nice shirt and we had been there for weeks and no one said anything. Caroline had come in and grabbed the sweatpants my second day there. I wanted to return it but at the same time wanted to keep it. It was as if it was a keepsake from a foreign vacation I had been on. I couldn't decide so I threw it under my bed and tried to go back to sleep. But I still couldn't. I was too cold. Are you kidding me. I only slept in a sports bra and shorts except for the winter, I slept in a sweatshirt only.
   I reluctantly grabbed the t-shirt, put it on and walked downstairs to get some water
  When I walked down I saw my dad in the family room reading a John Grisham book. I was like 2 a.m.

"What are you doing up dad? I asked turning on another lamp

"Oh I always read when I can't sleep. What are you doing up?

"I couldn't sleep either" I said grabbing a mug that had my name on it I got when I was five

"Well since your up I might as well tell you"

"What?" I said rushing over to the chair he was sitting in

"When we were having money troubles a friend of mine's son offered help. Well now he is looking for an assistant for his computer company and his boss thinks that since times are changing it might look better to hire a hard-working female. He's going to offer the job to you or Jane in exchange for us not having to pay him back as much, if you work hard"

"I don't want an office job" I answered plainly"

"He might offer it to Jane but just warning you, Rick might-"

"Wait, Rick Collins! That scrawny kid that used to come over when we were little, owns a computer company?"

"Well, yes" my dad sighed "now Ellie, think of this from a business standpoint, besides he might have changed. He hasn't offered anything yet but he's coming over to dinner though" my father gave me a knowing look

"I'll be nice" I mumbled

"I know" he said patting my arm. I walked back over to the counter and filled my mug with water


"Yeah dad"

"Is that a new shirt? I almost spit my water out. He continued "it looks kinda big"

"Oh uhm yeah I got it at the thrift store. Jane and I went one day" I prayed that was believable

"It looks awful big for a tiny thing like you. Is it a man's shirt"

"Yes it's a guy's"

"Well good for you. Goodnight"

"Goodnight Dad" I said rushing off to my room. I really should have thought that through

Hey y'all sorry I haven't updated for a while. Life. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter even if it's kinda short. The next few chapters will be kind of the Collins part of the story but just wait till we get to the ball and I have some big plans for when Ellie goes on a trip soon. 😉😂. Also I can't believe how many people have actually read this. I hope y'all keep reading. Love you 💜💛💜💛💜💛-Eli

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