Chapter 23: the day i felt weird things

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Darcy wasn't so bad I guess. I decided that maybe I should give him an open second chance.

After lunch Georgie suggested we go to the bookstore (which I was totally down with, what...I like books deal with it) anyway we walked in front of the guys and she had linked arms with me.
  Throughout lunch I noticed she was like any other 16 (going on 17) year old but also she could be very mature and I respected that.

"Oh I wish I worked at a bookshop, although, I don't know how much work I'd actually get done" she giggled

"I don't understand, I like reading and all but I never have the time" Charlie shrugged and Darcy smirked

"Then make time" Georgie said turning around to look at the boys.

"Whatever" he half smiled

"Oh Charlie" Darcy said clapping his arm around his friend "books have the power to take you to other worlds. The key is finding the book that makes you want to keep reading"

"Amen to that" I smiled and glanced back. I looked at Darcy and flipped my hair...hold up. I never do that,. Like never ever. Did I just flirt...oh gosh I did, but why, he's uh tall oh crap.

Thankfully before I could possibly over think anymore we arrived at the bookstore. It was big and had two stories with columns everywhere. It looked like it belonged in England or something.
  Georgie immediately rushed off to Y.A.

"What are your favorite books Ellie. I personally like fantasy, ya know spells, phantoms, new dimensions" she Georgie said picking up one book after another. We turned onto another aisle

"I like contemporaries that make you think. They are a little bit raw and sometimes edgy but mainly I just like unique ones" I said touching the shiny spined of the stories. Georgie must have found one she liked because she stopped to read a couple pages of it.

I had no clue where Darcy or Charlie had gone off to so I turned onto another aisle. I eventually saw Darcy come up as I looked at what Morgan Matson had just come out with.

"You know Fitz told me you like romance novels"

"Fitz says a lot of things" I smiled a little and picked up a colorful books. Darcy gave me a look that said 'i know you're lying to me'

"Okay maybe I read them sometimes" I grinned a bit and Darcy smirked.

I reached for another book but of course flung three off the shelf. Darcy and I bent down to pick them up. I was immediately back at the bookstore at home, one of the first times I talked to him. It was different now. I snapped out of it when he handed me the books

"Thanks" I said

"Don't mention it"

The day soon ended at I was back at the hotel with my aunt and uncle. My uncle was taking a shower and I was sitting on my bed reading my new book(which was really good btw). Meanwhile my aunt sat on her bed and was reading on her tablet.

"You know, William Darcy isn't how I imagined him" my aunt said without looking up

"Really?" I asked

"No, not at all. He seems like quite the gentleman" she continued

"I suppose he's polite" I added

"And your rival"

"Of sorts" I debated saying anything but what was there to say. We were polite towards one another but not friends...I think

"Then why could your supposed arch rival not keep his eyes off you the other day"

I buried my nose in my book and tried to focus on not blushing..why was I?

"Because I'm..great" I said sarcastically while getting up

"I'm just saying. Don't let this one get away Ellie" she said

Well it's a little late for that I thought

Hey y'all sorry for the short chapter but I needed to update. As promised I couple of cute moments..also I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue reading 💜💛💜💛💜💛-eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now