the day i took a step in the right direction

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For the next ten days I was depressed. My mom was constantly on me about it. When I went to work For a kids reading day Mrs Lucas could tell I wasn't right. That was one of my favorite things to do.

"Ellie" Mrs Lucas pulled me aside "I know you're down because of Jane and everything but Charlotte called the other day and asked for some help setting up the apartment, I thought maybe she would want you to?"

"I don't know Mrs Lucas.."



"Your father told me that you were thinking about taking the semester off. You only have a couple left right?"

"Well yeah" I hadn't re- enrrolled yet. I never had a gap year either. I also needed to figure out what I was doing.

"Maybe in a few days I'll go"

"If you do, take Maria with you. We have family there and she needs an escape from the twins for a bit."

"I'll think about it" I sighed. Mrs Lucas reached out and gave me a tight hug. Honestly sometimes it was like Mrs Lucas was my real mother.

My father was excited for me to go stay at Lotties. He said it would be good to get out of the house "you never know what you'll find Ellie" he said walking me out to the truck "or who you'll meet" I hugged him and Lyddia goodbye and headed off to Lotties.

I had dropped Maria off and I drove to Collins Computer Company.
  It was a tall gray building that was super sleek. It had three C's each smaller than the other inside one another on the side of the building. I walked inside to a modern reception desk where a woman who looked beyond bored was sitting.

"Uhm..I'm here to..a..visit Charlotte Lucas" I stumbled over my words

"Name" the receptionist said dryly

"Bennett" she typed for a few seconds and didn't look up when she said
"Elevator's over there, 10th floor first on the left"

"Thank you" I mumbled. I followed the instructions. It seemed the more I walked in the more black and white everything became. Totally opposite of Lottie. I eventually knocked on a white door. I was greeted by Lottie.

"Oh Ellie, I'm so glad to see you! I'm glad we patched things up." She exclaimed hugging me. The day Mrs. Lucas had suggested I go I called Lottie. We talked for hours and laughed and cried. We truly couldn't live without each other.

"You have to help me" she cried

"No it looks great" I said. it was studio style with one room holding s sleek kitchen and a living space. It had a tiny balcony over looking the parking lot, but further off it was woods. It had three doors off to the side which were two bedrooms and a bathroom. The walls were painted white but all of Lotties boxes were exploding with color because that's how she is
"Ellie, your room is so organized please help me!"

It's true, I may not be a lady but I am organized. Perks of being a Virgo I guess.

Hey y'all so it's been a minute. School is hard yall. Anyways I hope you like the double update even if they are short. The next few will be Ellie with Lottie and lots of tea will be spilled and also some people will come back. Anyways I hope your enjoying the story. I'm almost halfway done which is sad but oh well. 😘💜💛💜💛💜 -eli

Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsWhere stories live. Discover now