Chapter 2: the day i realized i was perpetually single

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"hello I'm Charles Bingley and this is my friend Will Darcy. Can we help you? Are you having truck issues?" Said the young man resting his arm on the truck window.

"Well..uh" I began but then was interrupted by
"I'm Jane Bennett and this is my sister Ellie"

"Nice to meet you both" Charles said sporting a one hundred dollar smile
"Wait you're the Bennetts?! I met your father the other day. Well it's great to finally meet you both."

He and Jane never took their eyes off each other. I'm placing my bet now. Charles was staring at her and Jane's cheeks were getting rosier by the second.
   You know that awkward moment when you're sitting in between two people in love and you just sit there wanting to move but are too afraid to, yeah that was me
   Darcy on the other hand was looking everywhere else but the truck. What a prick! Honestly you could show a little interest in your stalkers, come on.

"Well Charles, Mr Darcy, we must get going. We have to help set up for a wedding tomorrow." I said trying to escape Jane's fantasy and my nightmare

"Oh the uh Knightley wedding?" Charles asked

"Exactly" Jane said dreamily

"Well, we're going as well. I hope to see you both there" he said even more dreamily than Jane.

I had to say something "yes we'll come on Jane we don't want mom and dad to worry". I felt bad for being abrupt but I was better than some.
  Darcy was now looking somewhat at the truck. I guess halfway is something. I rolled up the window before Jane and Charles could kiss over me and sped off.

When we got back home Jane and I snuck upstairs before our mom could catch us, ran into my room and locked the door in case Lyddia wanted in. Jane waltzed in being her hopeless romantic self and plopped on the window seat like she was either going to explode or pass out. I had never seen her like that before.

"Ellie" I heard my mom call "come down like, you don't want to be late for work" I sighed
"We'll talk soon Jane I promise"

So the thing is my job is kinda lame. I work at a local bookshop with a family friend who's husband is a school teacher. I only work part time though because obviously they are willing to bend the rules for me. I also keep the job during the school year but it's only been summer for a week and I don't want to think about my senior year of college.
  Mrs. Lucas however, was always very kind and allowed me to do all the fun jobs. I got to organize the books, host the reading days with the kids and of course I got a discount on all the books. That part was pretty great.

Jane however was not so lucky. She worked as a waitress at a local Cafe and the boss was awful, but the pay was good and she had some student loan to pay off.

I walked into the little bookshop downtown. It was picturesque. It was on the main road that was very well kept and out back was a boardwalk over looking the lake. In the spring the farmers market would set up and in the summer countless proposals took place.
   My neighborhood had a little pond in the middle of it and as much as I loved the big lake, I loved to walk around my own little pond and have it all to myself.

"Good morning Mrs Lucas" I said cheerfully

"You look like you've been awful busy this morning Ellie" she said from behind the counter with a smirk. As much as a loved her she always thought she was clever enough to get me to admit something

"Uh yeah mom paid me and Jane to stalk the new boy in town" I said walking up to the counter and resting my elbows on it. "Speaking of that I'm sorry I look like trash, by the time I got back I was already late-"

"No worries dear" she said looking at me "you can start by organizing the new shipment of Jane Austen collections"

"Alright" I said heading to the back

"Wait" Mrs Lucas said as I was halfway down an aisle "Lottie is already in the back"

"Thanks" I giggled

I walked through the aisles of old wood shelves. One thing I loved most about books was how they smelled, like sawdust. It reminded me of when I was little and my father and I would make birdhouses. It was always my job to sweep up the sawdust after he was done cutting the pieces.
  I walked down a small set of stairs and into the employees only door to where Lottie was

"Ellie are you excited for the big day tomorrow?" Lottie looked up at me with wide eyes. She was making sure some donated books were not damaged.

"I guess" I said putting down my bag and phone

"What's wrong?" She asked looking at me

"You know that new guy rumored to come?" I said quietly

"You mean the one and only Charles Bingley?!" Lottie exclaimed barely able to control herself

"Yeah him, well I think he likes Jane and that means at the wedding I'll be a loner"

"No you won't Ellie, I'll be there"

"No Lottie we all know you'll find a partner and fantasize about him for the next month"

Lottie or Charlotte, as my mother liked to call her, was my best friend. She was curvy and had straight blonde hair down to her waist. She was all of your fairytale giggles personified. She honestly was kind of desperate and settled for guys she didn't deserve but I never said anything because by the next week she would find someone new.
  We had been best friends since grade school and it also helped that our parents were friends. So naturally when I was looking for a job the Lucases stepped in. Lottie was always there for me.

"Whatever anyways, you met Charles!" She said resting her head on her propped up arm

"Yes and he's really nice, and like I said perfect for Jane"

"Well that's great. Did his parents come with him?" She asked finally returning to her work

"No but his sister did, and.."

"And who?!" She said grabbing me by the shoulders frantically

"His best friend. Darcy or something like that"

"Ok" she said sitting up again "well is he cute, I mean is he single first off or i-"

"Lottie, he's decent but his attitude from the five minutes I've shared with him, he's unbearably rude"

"Oh well that's a shame" she looked down

Wow I'm alone and now I'm gonna have to deal with a jerk. Some wedding this is gonna be.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the second part. This should be a pretty long story so buckle up. Also forgot to mention. I got all of my ideas from Jane Austen. I don't own any of these characters. Anyways I promise the next chapter will be the wedding and have more Charles and Darcy. I'm spending the first chapters building characters, but don't fret pet Darcy will be here and alot. I just want to focus on Ellie a bit because this is her story.

I hope y'all enjoyed. Comment your thought and any ideas below. Also I'd love if you voted on my story and spread the word. Thanks💜💛💜💛💜💛


Ellie and Darcy, and other bad first impressionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora